View Full Version : when will things improve? citalopram/labyrinthitis

23-05-12, 10:21
to cut a very long story short, i was on citalopram 40mg for 4years. after certain events at xmas my anxiety was at an all time high so my doctor suggested trying a different med, sertraline. so she cut me down from 40mg cit to zero over 2weeks n then started the sert. as u can imagine i didnt know what was withdrawal and what was side effect. i developed the worst dry eyes ever and at my wits end decided to stop taking anything! BIG MISTAKE. i was now withdrawing from 2drugs and my anxiety was the worst its ever been.

about 6weeks later i was still terrible and to top it off i came down with labyrinthitis, a virus that attacks the inner ear causing horrendous vertigo. the doctor decided i should start on the cit again, during the same week as the virus. after a few days i suffered the mother of all panic attacks and since then have had really bad derealisation/depersonalisation. feel like im in a dream all the time and feel completely detached from myself. the intense dizziness has gone but still feeling dizzy. my problem is i dont no what is causing my symptoms...the shock of coming off my meds plus anxiety, the labyrinthitis or starting the medication again? will of been on the cit 4 weeks 2moro and my doc has increased me to 40mg. im so low and desperate to feel normal again, im just scared this is how i will feel forever : ( :weep:

i think my brain doesnt no whether its coming or going...

really need reassurance that there is light at the end of this very dark tunnel...

23-05-12, 10:31
Hi hsmith

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

24-05-12, 17:25
can anybody offer me any support/advice?

24-05-12, 17:43

Sorry you are going through a rough time labyrinthitis is horrible - my mum has had something a little similiar Menieres Disease. Are you taking any medication for that? as that needs addressing.

Also think your brain doesn't know whether it's coming or going. I am in a similiar situation to you was on Prozac for 15 good years stopped working before xmas - to cut a long story short was put on Sertraline - tbh - didn't give it long enough and was fed up of being messed around with meds - am paying private to see a Psychiatrist - well worth it - diagnosed with Pure OCD! However he decided to put me on Citalopram 20mg and have just doubled last week. (4 weeks in total). Like yourself have felt very down and so tired with bad headaches and just wondering when all this doom and gloom will end - I know I have to give it longer 8 to 12 weeks but have been told they will work - like they will for you too.

As regards yourself you must feel so ill with the inner ear infection on top - really feel for you - it is so nasty - you can always pm if you want to chat and also :welcome:to the site

Laura x

24-05-12, 18:11
Hi HSMITH, you poor thing, my husband has this and suffers quite alot. make an appointment to see your GP AND explain whats been goin on im sure he can help you further. in regards to the withdrawals i too am withdrawing from cit and another drug so i know what you are experiencing. I too will make an visit to my gp as im sure there is something that can help in the initital weeks when comin of meds. hope this offers some comfort love, take care. x

25-05-12, 04:28
Welcome :D