View Full Version : So glad I found you

23-05-12, 12:15
Wow, what a great forum.
I suffered from depression/anxiety a few years ago to the stage I didnt leave my bedroom for months and for a further few years to be 'normal' again.
Well I won the battle until last week. I knew things were getting bad again but burying my head in the sand seemed the best choice until I totally lost it. I am now in my house having awful thoughts and constant 'symptoms'
Doc put me back on Citalopram a couple of days ago and I feel awful. Sure the feelings are due to the side effects of it but know I have to get through them.
So glad I have found you all as I have no one else to talk to

23-05-12, 12:25
Hi sazmo

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

23-05-12, 12:26
welcome aboard hope we can help


we've all been there and still are some of us

23-05-12, 12:58
Must admit I am scared I wont be able to do this again. Last time was so bad I cant believe I am back here again.

23-05-12, 15:32
A huge warm :welcome: to NMP.

You'll receive lots of advice here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Check out the articles on the left for advice and post on the forum for support.

Best Wishes

Di x

23-05-12, 15:35
I also managed to get better and as of September last year I am back with the anxiety/panic/depression etc.

You are not alone, I am in contact with some really nice genuine people thanks to this website.

Joining in with Threads/Posts is so gratifying, you can help yourself while helping others.:D

23-05-12, 15:44
I just cant believe how it can come out of the blue so quickly.
Last week I had a successful business, skied a couple of times a week on dry slopes and was genuinly happy.
Today I have given the business to my business partner and am a mess locked in my own house scared to do anything.

23-05-12, 15:53
i.m the same i dont leave my bedroom cos of my anxiety depression i didnt leave my house for months either for the past 3 weeks i left my house just once a week and that is a struggle my anxiety has gotten worse as last year it wasnt so bad so i know how u feel :hugs:

23-05-12, 19:36
Welcome, this is a fantastic website, so warm and friendly. You are most definitely not alone. Don't be hard on yourself, these setbacks can happen to any of us any time, it's all brain chemistry after all! Hopefully the citalopram will start to help you feel better soon. Take care.

23-05-12, 21:53
Hi sazmo! I agree with MazF, there's no need to be hard on yourself. Just remember that it takes patience to cope with anxiety and panic. I'm not too familiar with Citalopram, but I am taking Prozac to treat it. It's not a "magic bullet" so it does take time to settle into your system (for me it took about a month or two to get the full effects). For the time being, I recommend doing some CBT to help it, plus exercising helps a great deal.

You'll be fine! :yahoo:

Lily Kingston
24-05-12, 12:38
Hi sazmo.

I only joined today as 3 weeks ago I suffered a breakdown after being 'ok' for 5 years. 'Ok' being suffering from some anxiety every day but it was manageable -but now it really is not.

It has hit me like a sledgehammer & am living in a constant state of anxiety & panic at the moment. I am not sleeping well which just makes my anxiety symptoms worse.

I wish us both well and a speedy recovery. Not that recovery seems possible at times - I feel like I'm losing it :weep:

24-05-12, 12:58
Wow, Lily that sounds like we are in the same place.
I dont know if its the side effects of the Citalopram or if its just me at the moment but I am all over the place.
Felt so bad when I woke but things are improving as the day has gone on. I have a list of things to accomplish today so fingers crossed I get through another day.

Lily Kingston
24-05-12, 13:02
I am more upset because I actually had a good day the other day and I also slept well - the first good day & night combined for 3 weeks but then yesterday on the bus I had a bad thought come into my head and it stuck with me all evening and sent me spiralling into anxiety again.

24-05-12, 13:05
At least you are out and about. Thats a really good sign.
Plus think of all the good days you have had. :yahoo: This is hopefully just a glitch and you will be back to full strength in a day or two