View Full Version : Hi Im Vampant

23-05-12, 12:50
Hi all

My real name is anthony and i suffer from well im not sure it get changed all the time. Started with anxiety and then ocd and then depression i think i have all of this accept the depression now. My new therapist say i have obessional doubt that cause anxiety.
Im currently on medical for this in the form of setraline at 150mg but i use to be on ciprlex 20mg.
Im really struggling with this at the moment with the whole steming mainly back to two issues
1. I dont believe im talking when i do?
2. I dont believe what im doing, touching, feeling, everything and i mean everything makes me anixeous i just want to sleep, as i cant relax apart from then and even then i have anxieous dreams.

I could keep going on but i wont for now as my mind doesnt think i am doing this.

23-05-12, 13:08
Hi vampant

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

23-05-12, 15:30
I am so sorry, I can empathize with you. I spend most of my time in a constant panic aswell, so you are not alone.............

take care:)

25-05-12, 13:29
Thanks nomore panic

Thanks BobbyDog

25-05-12, 15:02
Google depersonalisation and derealization
It's a common problem when you've got anxiety.
Things don't feel real, you feel very detached from everything .
It's also comon to get this too durning a migraine attack.
Horrid feeling really.

25-05-12, 19:53
Hi, Vampant, i know exactly what you're going through, i have depersonalisation and derealization where i feel as if i don't exist, i separate from my sense of self, it is the scariest feeling imaginable but i try to tell myself that it can't hurt me and it will pass. You're not alone. Welcome to No More Panic, we're all here for each other.