View Full Version : Yo-Yo of Emotions

10-07-06, 16:32
Been a few weeks since my first ever post. Thanks to those that replied or PMed me.

My son was born approx 3 weeks ago. I was anxious at the time as I hadnt coped to well when my daughter (now 2) was born. Anyway he seemed to settle in quite well, went to sleep about 6:30pm and woke for a feed about 10:30-11pm ish. I was amazed and even with the broken sleep I was feeling pretty good. That is until last night when he never got to sleep until 2am and I was then awake at 5am. He wanted to constantly feed , my poor wife was shattered and I stayed awake while she was feeding which didnt help matters.

Now I'm starting to feel the same as I did 2 years ago and its getting me down. At that time I was useless to my wife as all I wanted to do was hide away and be left alone. This problem is most likely caused by overtiredness but at the moment I just want to break down and cry.


10-07-06, 16:58
First of all Iain, congratulations on the birth of your son, you must be so proud. It is so natural for your emotions to be all over the place after the birth of a child. It is a very emotional event. It brings in changes and the lack of sleep is enough to drive you crazy. My husband thought he was going mad those first 6 weeks. It will get better as you know, just hang on in there, don't try and be superdad! Have you got any paternity leave? Just be honest and try and talk it through. maybe there is someone who can help and give both of you a break. This isn't forever and it will get better.

Take care

'This too will pass'

10-07-06, 17:03
Hi Kasman its a shame you are feeling so useless and you are right it will be overtiredness. When we dont get our sleep we don't funtion properly and thats a fact. My anxiety and panic is ten times worse if i don't sleep properly. Try getting a hour in the day sometime just to catch up and don't be so hard on yourself. Its fantastic being a parent and has magic moments but make sure you make time for yourself too.
Carol x

If you have peace of mind you have everything

10-07-06, 22:04
I remember the first 6 weeks really well DaisyBun.... hell on earth if I remember correctly. My wife has now ordered me to sleep downstairs tonight so maybe a good straight 6 hours or so will do the trick. I was back to work last Monday after having my 2 weeks leave... those days went pretty quickly! To quick.

Carol1969 I wish I could get an hour during the day but I'm the kinda person that cant really get a quick nap. If I do I tend to feel sick when I wake up. Always been that way... wish I could sleep like my late father used to. He could sleep anywhere at anytime!

Best wishes to you both and thanks.


11-07-06, 16:01
Why is it that things seem to get worse! Just had my wife on the phone, shes been in a car accident. Seems a van hit them from behind 3 times while she was stopped at a round-a-bout. Driver said his brakes failed. The two children, mother-in-law and aunt were in the car at the time. Everyone appears to be ok but I just cant stop thinking that I could have lost my entire family today.


11-07-06, 16:05
Oh Iain. How awful.
I am glad everyone is ok. Dont think about the What Ifs, thats enough to drive you mad!

Hay x

11-07-06, 16:12
Hi Hayles

The only person that seems to be a bit sore is my mother-in-law, shes got a bit of a stiff neck. Wife and kids seem ok but I wont know more until I get home. Frustrating to be stuck in the office with no way to get home until my lift comes! Wife has told me that the car boot lock catch is damaged but thats not whats really on my mind at the moment.

I'm trying not to think of the "what if" but it was a real shock. I wont really feel better until I get home and see them all.

No doubt I'll get a complete recap of it all from my daughter who is very talkative for a 2 year old :)


12-07-06, 16:45
Oh Iain sorry to hear about the accident. Glad they all seem to be OK. Let us know how it all turns out

Take care

'This too will pass'

14-07-06, 11:42
Well everyone is ok. I was really glad to see them all and there were lots of hugs all round. Doesnt seem to have affected the kids either. Teagan bounced back straight away but that night she called me through to her room coz she couldnt find her bunny rabbit to cuddle into, maybe if she didnt lay on it she would be able to find it easily herself! :D

Ieuan took a couple of days to settle down again and needed lots of comfort from his mum. He was great last night though and only woke up once at 5:30am for a feed, thats from midnight or so. Havent felt this fresh for a week or so :)


14-07-06, 12:25

That sounds great. Glad everyone is doing ok and very glad that you are feeling heaps better.

Take care Hun x

Hay x

14-07-06, 13:11

Sorry to hear you are feeling like this. Congratulations on the new born baby! Do you see a councellor at all? Because that may help.

x x

26-07-06, 16:17
Man is been busy recently, even at home. I still seem to be coping ok now, apart from this heatwave making me slightly bad tempered.

Hayles you wont believe this but Ieuan has had two night where hes slept for 5 hours or more. Last night was 6 hours between feeds but he did feed like a maniac from 7pm to nearly midnight. My poor wife was exhausted! We're going to put it down to a growth spurt :D

Scooby, I went to councillor round about Xmas for a few sessions which helped a good bit, put things in perspective. Also been to a few EFT sessions and hypnotherapy and while these havent been an instant cure, they have helped in their own way. Must admit I havent been as bad as I was when my daughter was born, I just ceased to function then. This time round its been a bit different and the panic/worry hasnt lasted as long before I settled in again.

Of course another thing thats helped is the kind words of support from the people on this forum. Your all fantasic :) You must be to listen to me prattle on!
