View Full Version : can someone reassure me....having a bad day

23-05-12, 16:22
as you know from various posts i have an ECG (Non urgent) coming up.

I am convinced i have an irregular heartbeat.

One Private GP listened to my heart 5 weeks ago and said all was fine when I complained of palpitations (didnt mention irregular rythmn at rest)

A Dr in A&E listened to my heart in August last yr when I was admitted for suspected blood clot.

Neither of these Drs mentioned an irregular heart beat.

Would they of listened out for this??

My GP (a locum) last night listened and has referred me for an ECG for my palpitations in case it is thryoid. She didnt mention it sounded irregular just a little fast.

Would of someone picked up on it by now? so scared for Tuesday

23-05-12, 16:52
What makes you think you have an irregular heart beat?

23-05-12, 16:59
when i feel my pulse it can be du du du dududud du dudu du du

but i dont know if that is normal sinus arrythmia or anxiety or what?

My husband did say about 10 yrs ago he listened to my heart whilst i was asleep and it was not regular but I may of been drinking.

so i assume I must have a heart condition.

23-05-12, 17:36

Do you have medical training? Do you feel qualified to know the difference between regular and irregular beats? I have an extra beat, but thats quiet normal, but not the norm.
Hunny, I would say don't try and self diagnose, it will get you nowhere. Quite often what we think is irregular is regular.

Don't assume anything, you have had 2 Doctors tell you everything was OK, and thE ecg sounds like a sensible reasonable investigation.

Take a deep breath, firstly you need to stop feeling your pulse. I have been there and driven myself insane. Secondly accept your not a Doctor/Cardiologist, therefore have no solid training on what to look for.

Lastly, I am sending you a big cuddle



23-05-12, 20:59

perhaps you're getting confused with something called 'sinus arrhythmia'

basically, your heart speeds up when you breathe in and slows down when you breathe out, it's normal and is to do with the increase/decreased pressure in your chest due to expansion of the lungs

makes sense that its more common when doing chest breathing, like when you're anxious, as i imagine the pressure change is greater from the tense muscles


24-05-12, 11:33
thanks all

i am trying really hard but today is another bad day of thinking my heart will pack in at any min x