View Full Version : are they worth it?

23-05-12, 16:54
will my sertine tablets 100mg help me to stop overanalysing thing?? are they worth taking. i know they help me with my depression but i waant my overanalysing to go away!!! x

23-05-12, 17:10
Hi Laura,

I'm on Sertraline 50mg for my obsessive thoughts and depression and can tell you that they have eased up a little, they're not as frequent anymore but maybe that's because I've changed my attitude about things too...

It doesn't stop them coming but Sertraline works in around 3 weeks.

Pm me if you like x

23-05-12, 19:47
Have you tried any other ssris? I took Cipralex and it did help a lot. I found it helped especially with ocd type thoughts, more so than it helped with actual anxiety to be honest. I think they're often worth trying but you have to feel comfortable about taking them, definitely.

23-05-12, 21:49
I would try CBT therapy as well as then you actually get to really work on your thoughts.
Medication can help but most people won't stay on it forever so it'd be good to have the skills to deal with these thoughts as well :)
There's lots of different medications and the work differently for everyone so the only way to know is to give it a go :)