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View Full Version : Doctors not helping My anxiety at all!!

23-05-12, 18:56
I'm at my wits end my anxiety is at a all time high and I cant seem to focus on anything I just want to lock myself away I haven't gone a day In two months without crying!
I started with abdomen niggling on right side and heavy feeling above pubic bone when urinating about 2 months ago.

My GP has since sent me for urine tests even though I have never had any visual blood in my urine they all keep coming back as
Marginally High Red Blood cells no infection found! I did one today which will now be my 7th one the only information I can get is from the receptionist who says they are monitoring me, but what for???
My pelvic exam she found I had thrush but my swab tests have all come back as no action needed, My x ray he sent me for just showed constipation no sign of kidney stones!!
I have convinced myself its bladder cancer I struggled all week to get into see my GP and this week found out he has now gone on holiday for two weeks I don't know what to do I am scared of seeing another GP,

23-05-12, 19:14
It would probably be a good idea to see a different doc and get a 2nd opinion to be honest.

23-05-12, 19:30
Ask to be referred to a specialist doctor.
GPs are really just for generaledical stuff and you need an answer as to why you have blood in your urine.

23-05-12, 19:58
thank you for your input! ;)

I will have to try and overcome my anxiety to see another GP,

23-05-12, 21:46
try not to assume the worst either as it could be a mild infection, UTI that just hasn't shown up in the test :)

23-05-12, 22:44
Having occult blood in urine samples is incredibly common and does not have to mean anything at all. I have what they call leaky kidneys that work perfectly but I always always have occult blood in urine samples, every one I have ever given since the introduction of dipstick testing which is hyper sensitive.

You say you have had x ray was this the intravenious x ray of your kidneys or just an ultrasound scan of your kidneys??

As has been said I would see another Dr and explain that you are not happy being monitered and want to be referred to a urologist for further tests and explain your fear of bladder cancer.

AFter moving house I had to change Drs and the new one insisited I had a camera in my bladder becasue of my urine results even though I have this for past 30 years!! he was ticking boxes as he said and I had the test in two weeks and all was fine as was expected.

For me occult blood in urine is normal.

24-05-12, 18:09
thanks for the replies, It was just a normal xray,

the doctor that I have seen today She told me my all urine tests came back high she muttered something along the lines of Red Blood cells were 154 then went to 147 and in the latest results your white blood cells are now normal, she insisted on me going to a urologist but I asked her if I can wait till my GP gets back from his holiday as I feel fine now she said yes we shall go off the latest results but he will probably refer you to a urologist too she mentioned the camera in the bladder and that was it I had a massive panic attack I feel really silly now as my Mum had to come get me from the surgery! I feel so much better now but this occult blood issue is making me so ill ;(

27-05-12, 12:42
I was so ill during the night I had an urge for the toilet and every time I went I was burning so bad I broke down and had a massive panic attack I was so bad again my mum ended up having to come down! I was at my wits end countless urine samples and no infection found,GP saying she couldn't give me anything my mum took me to the walk in centre to see the nurse she did another urine test and said you definitely have a urine infection there's nitrates and blood she has given me a 3 day course of antibiotics but me being panicky keep thinking why did the doctor not catch it before? cant wait for my GP to come back from his hols

27-05-12, 15:12
hi thats a bit bad that the doctor couldent find it but the nurse at the walk in center did i cant really think why the doc couldent find it before but im sorry you suffered until you got antibiotics as i also suffer with really bad urine infections once a monthxx:weep:

27-05-12, 16:17
Yes I know i'm finding it hard to believe this also so did the nurse at the walk in centre, I was in tears the other day to the GP I saw whilst mine was away she had no compassion what so ever, I couldn't sit still I was that uncomfortable and have had water infections in the past and knew this was one all she did was print information out about cystitis and said most of it was anxiety in my head but yet she insisted on referring me to a urologist?? I think I will stick to my own GP in the future he's more understanding of my anxiety ;)

28-05-12, 18:35
the nurse was right it is hard to belive this Gp seems bloody horrible obviously she dosent have water infections to know how terrible and painful and uncomftable they can be i do as like you i used to suffer with them on a regular basis maybe once a month scans ruled out anything serious.
try drinking a lot of water so when you wee it isint really acidy and drinking a glass of cranberry juice worked for me i havent had one in a couple of years following this.

as for that doctor dont go back to her you need a nice caring doctor who will listen and understand if she upset you then explain to the other doctor you usually see.
especially as she failed to give you anything and the nurse at the hospital found you infact had a urine infection.
being left without meds when you have this must be awful.
you knew you had one as you have had them before i hope that your feeling better soonxx:hugs:

29-05-12, 18:12
thanks for your reply the only thing now is my anxiety I'm having a bad time at present just because I am worried about the microscopic blood in my urine that the last doctor found I think I will have to bite the bullet and go and see a urologist I'm so nervous about having the camera in bladder and even worse if they find bladder cancer, god i wish I could wake up from this anxiety nightmare!! ;(

29-05-12, 21:20
i know what you mean its a vicious circle with anxiety i also had microscopic blood in my urine. sometimes my infections were so bad that when i got up from the loo i could actually see trickles of blood on the white of the toilet from the pain of passing water.

some peoples infections are different my symptoms are a constant feel of a full bladder all the time.
when i would wee it was ok while i was going but as it was coming to the end it would burn so bad i would cry and as soon as i had been i would need to go back and go again.

once you have had the camera least then you will have peace of mind and be able to live in peace please dont think any bad thoughts that is going make you feel ten times bad than you do i know its easier said than done if you do start feeling anxious message me i suffer bad and its not very nice at allxx:D

29-05-12, 22:21
Thank you ;) its so hard having anxiety especially when friends and family don't understand I constantly google ailments even though I know its wrong, the doctor scared the hell out of me she was talking all medical jargon to me like your red blood cell count was 154 now its 147 its marginally high but your white blood cells are now back to normal and its been overlooked too long I asked her politely to explain what she meant she said with you being the way you are its better that we just refer you to a urologist I refused till I have seen my own GP she said OK well for future reference these last results are what we will go off, very confused counting the days till my GP comes back!

30-05-12, 18:32
no worrys glad to help i know what you mean by friends and family not understanding my mum and dad have just got tired of me over the years think that its about time i just got over it.
i tend to keep my feelings to myself now im married with 5 children and have so much to do that i have to juggle it all and just get along with my anxiety.
i dont like to burden my husband with it he knows a bit but i dont tell him everything i suffer.

the doctor who you saw who was spouting a lot of medical jumble is no good to you as your not a doctor.
when she made the comment of you being the way you are well if she knew this then she could have least been more helpful.
i think these doctors need to be a bit more compassionate as some are so cold.

lets hope your doctor comes back soonxxx:weep:

30-05-12, 19:27
Thanks again Selphie I think my mum is starting to realise having anxiety is not something you can just snap out of! so much so she insists on coming seeing my GP with me when he comes back next Wednesday to make sure everything gets across as I tend to get a bit zombified if i hear anything to trigger my anxiety, I shall let you know how I get on I finished my antibiotics last night and think I'm developing a yeast infection again, its such a vicious circle but what doesn't kill us makes us stronger as they say ;)

30-05-12, 20:57
thats ok no worrys i dont mind anytime.
my mums not nasty i think they just feel they have done all they can for me and they dont understand because they dont.
its good your mums going with you for moral support that should help.

you suffer with yeast infections aswell poor you i cant say i do ive only ever had a few thankgod well good luck to you let me know how it goes and what they sayxxx:D