View Full Version : fed up of pain that has been going on for three weeks!

24-05-12, 01:08
Hi , I'm new to this but I need second opinions.I've had a re-occuring pain in my right side around my kidneys, back and lower abdomen and I also have tender ribs on the right side , this is a sharp shocking pain that comes around now and then along side a constant ache. This has been going on for just over three weeks now and I've been back and fourth to the doctors and hospital.

I've had ESR tests, blood tests and urine samples done and they have all come back fine , it was only until yesterday I was able to have an x-ray done which showed something rather embarrasing, baring in mind that for the first time during the three weeks this was the only time I felt constipated , the x-ray showed that my bowl was completely full of poo and the doctor was suprised as he was sure that I had appendicitis from feeling my belly. He said that I was just fully loaded and that I should take some laxatives.

After a few hours of taking them I was able to go and I'm still in a lot of pain , but I also noticed some black bits in my stools and I'm not quite sure weather I could have just been constipated for ove r three weeks or that there is something else that could be wrong , I would appreciate some help please!?

24-05-12, 01:13
The constipation could cause these pains and the black specks in the poo can be completely normal and harmless.

If you have been checked by the docs and had x-rays then I really don't think there is anything to worry about to be honest.

We are not docs on here though so you have to trust in them.

24-05-12, 02:22
[Nicola , I have only been constipated for the last couple of days , also before I had the x-ray I had eaten dinner at 4 in the morning followed by breakfast at 6 due to waiting in a and e till late and having to go home as I was in agony aswell as tired and hungry, then I went back at eight ish to have it done , it was only that morning that I was constipated and through out the three weeks I've been pooing perfectly fine , 2-3 times a day , decent amounts ,nor too runny or too hard. It's made me get really down and I feel tired and I'm loosing sleep because I can't get compfy and its a really irritating pain.

My gp first thought it was kidney stones as I have naphrocalsinonsis which is where I'm prone to kidney stones , then he thought it was something to do with the muscles in my back and nerves or something and the third time he had realised that my ribs were extremely tender when touched and he mentioned about a operation that I had when I was three which was a kidney reconstruction as it was deformed inside out. He thought that now I have grown the scar tissue may have damaged. Me and everyone that knows about my pain are sure that its not just constipation. I have been sick today and also :weep: I've been told by numerous people that if your constipated , you don't relly want to eat?
My appitite has not changed.

24-05-12, 02:30
Sorry to hear this- it could be IBS or anything really but you have to let the docs do tests etc and tell you what the problem is cos we can't really say.

I know that may not help but we have no medical people on here and would hate to misdiagnose you in any way.

24-05-12, 02:33
Have you been diagnosed with panic and anxiety by any chance?

24-05-12, 03:30
No I haven't but I do get really stressed and have been a lot lately I'm only seventeen and this is having a huge impact on my social life aswell as school, well the doctor said if I'm still in pain in 2-3 days that I can go back. And I know , I just see a lot of topics on here that really help and I want to know of anyone else has the same as me and what they have been diagnosed with and maybe if someone does have the same and has been diagnosed , I could mention it to the doctors. Thankyou.

---------- Post added at 03:30 ---------- Previous post was at 02:41 ----------

Sometimes this pain causes me to miss out on a whole nights sleep and all I can do is whatch the sun go down and back up again. I often go into fits of shooting pains in my side which make me jump as if I had hiccups but its just the pain gets so painful and sharp sometimes that it can take my breath away.