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24-05-12, 04:08
About 7 years ago I had what I figured later to be a panic attack. Feeling like I couldn't breath and started hyperventilating, hands went numb and all that. I went to the ER which didn't help anything really.

Since then I've had what I assume to be anxiety and panic attacks. They have become very rare since I quit smoking a few years ago, but they still sneak up on me.

Recently I've had more than normal, been really stressed. So I've managed to find my way to this forum. Hi.

I'm not much of a forum poster, but I like to read them. Thanks to all the people out there willing to share their stories and concerns. It's reassuring knowing you're not the only one out there dealing with this stuff.

24-05-12, 04:25
Hi bouncebanana

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

24-05-12, 06:06
Hi there and :welcome:!


24-05-12, 18:11

25-05-12, 04:27
Welcome :D

26-05-12, 16:58
Hi bounce banana and welcome.
Like yourself I suffer from panic attacks and have signed up to this site today. Remember the basics when they occur......
Slow and controlled breathing,
It's not the surroundings it's the mind,
You are not in any danger and mostly of all,
In a short while you will be back to your normal self.....so look forward to it

26-05-12, 17:06