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24-05-12, 10:50

Has anyone who has taken Trimethoprim for a suspected UTI ended up with stomach issues after taking it?

I have read that Trimethoprim can kill off a lot of the good bacteria in your tummy. I had this antibiotic a few weeks ago for 5 days and my stomach has not been the same since. Quite sore, burning stabbing feelings in different places etc.

Anyone else had a similar experience of this please?


24-05-12, 22:28
My elderly auntie was given this antibiotic a few weeks ago for recurrent UTI and she has sworn never ever to take it again. She felt terribly sick all the time she was on it and for a few days afterwards and loads of other symptoms.

She is now okay but it took 3 weeks for her to feel better after the course finished.

Have your tried taking a high dose probiotic to help put back the happy bugs. If you still have upset bowels or sickness more than 48 hrs after finishing the course or you get blood in our runny poo! then it time to see the Dr to be tested as very very rarely antibtioics can cause nasty bowel upsets.

My auntie spoke to her elderly friends who all seemed to hve been prescribed it at one time or another and she said all of them had horrendous side effects.

24-05-12, 23:28
Im ALLERGIC to it ..It made me very sick and dizzy . I had to stop taking it ..All antibiotics upset the good bacteria in the Bowels .So the advice is to always take Probiotics such as Yakult yoghurt to help put back the good bacteria needed .. Once this is back to normal you will feel much better ..If you get worse go see your Gp ..T/c Sue x

24-05-12, 23:51
Many thanks Countrygirl and Suzy-sue

Countrygirl - did your Auntie have any stomach issues with this? I have a 5 day course but did finish it 3 weeks ago. My stomach has been awful since this. Sore and tender to touch, with stinging burning sensation.

Sue -I started taking an Actimel drink yesterday. Thought that may help. Do you think if I got some Yakult it would be better? How long do you think it will take to get the bacteria "back to normal?" I am terrified of the Doctors!! Don't really want to go and would rather try the probiotic route first! When she gave me the Trimethoprim, she said "unless you are allergic to it". Maybe a lot of people have problems with this antibiotic.

Also, I thought I may get some Probiotic Acidophilus capsules tomorrow, as I read these may help. Any thoughts on these??

I am so grateful for your replies. Hugs to you both

Mooky :)

25-05-12, 00:07
It wont take very long after the system is cleared of A/B s (It takes 4 days for those to leave your body) ,The Yakult is better but ive also had the Actimel ,it tastes better ..The acidophilus will probably be a better source ,But ive never tried it ,Depends how much it costs .but worth i if it works better .Avoid spicy food until it settled down ..Seeing you ve been off these for 3 weeks now .maybe your diet needs changing to bland food/non greasy for a while too until your tum settle,s down ..Worth a try anyway ..T/c Sue x

15-02-15, 08:40
Hello, how do you feel now? Did the probiotics and yoghurt help? If so which ones did ypu take. I am really upset about my upset stomach. I also suffered from anxiety which is calming a bit down now. Its been 12 dayasays I am off it. But my stomach is still not the same. Nor os it getting better. Rapid heartbeat and my feet are quiet itchy. I feel a random stap of pqin here and there. I am totally lost and don't know what to eat. I tried having more milk, live yoghurt and had one probiotics on Friday but I have got a feeling thats left an acid like taste in my mouth which smells bad now. I took a dose of 200mg, twice a day for 3 days. And I didnt even have a uti showing up and they still gave me the tablets. I would really appreciate an answer please.


---------- Post added at 08:40 ---------- Previous post was at 08:35 ----------

@countygirl, how long did it take for your aunt to recover.
@suzy sue , wish I stopped taking them aswel, ypu are lucky you stopped the course.
@mooky2, please tell me your experience. Would really appreciate it and can uou tell me your recovery time. We were ready to have a baby and now this happened. I am totally upset.

15-02-15, 10:08
I have taken quite a few antibiotics in my time, and I used to get UTIs all the time but this is the only one I've ever had real trouble with. I took it for five days once for a UTI and I felt horrible. Sick, but worse than that I had KILLER headaches every single day. My notes now say I'm allergic to it as my Dr said it obviously didn't agree with me.

15-02-15, 12:49
I still camt digest anything and keep have to spit. Plus my heartbeat gets faster for few hours every day. I hope I feel better.