View Full Version : Tearful

10-07-06, 17:48
I was in at work again today but every little thing seemed to get on top of me. When someone asked if I was OK I just couldn't stop myself from crying. I managed to get to the loos before the floodgates opened but I think everyone knew. I just feel like I take 2 steps forwards and 1 back. I have been on citalopram for 3 weeks now and just upped it to 15mg. I wonder if this has anything to do with it? I also feel so exhausted.
Sorry to whinge i just felt like telling someone who might understand.:(


10-07-06, 19:15
Hi Mandy

It took nearly two months for my meds to kick in (Prozac). I was very tearful and the least thing upset me which can be pretty embarrassing in front of your colleagues. However, I find now that it's pretty difficult to cry (even at a funeral) which is apparently a side effect of the meds. I don't know what's worse - crying or not being able to cry. I'm sure there are some people that you work with that would give you support if you confide in them which would make it a bit easier for you to be 'emotional' in the workplace.

Hang in there!!


10-07-06, 20:38
Hi Mandy i feel just like you in fact my partner got home from work a couple of hours ago and i told him i feel so exhausted and i feel a little weepy myself. I have been on Citalopram 3 weeks on wednesday and i feel like all my oomph has been took away from me. I get up in the morning and just want to cry when i see the housework i need to do but everyday i seem to be getting further behind with it. Hopefully its just a side effect from the meds and it will pass hopefully.
Mandy let us know how your doing, i had a really good day the other day and thought oh the meds are kicking in and then ive just had bad days ever since.
Love Carol x

If you have peace of mind you have everything

10-07-06, 20:55
I too have had a pooey day at work, felt soooo out of it and lightheaded.

O and I'm very good at crying too!!:D:D:D

Hope tomorrow is a better day for us all [^]


"Everybody's changing and I don't feel the same"

10-07-06, 21:08
Thanks guys,
it's nice to know I'm not crying alone!! My work colleagues are really nice but it's so embarassing bursting into tears in the canteen in front of the lot of them!!
Let's hope tomorrow is better for us !


10-07-06, 21:51
Good lord how bizarre. I cried at work today for the first ever time. No-one saw me thank god - but if they had i planned to say that i had just threw up! Noone knows how I feel at work. Been there 4.5 months and felt kak for 4 of those. Was desparate to leave but know not to run from a bad situation. I dont know my colleagues enough to tell them how I feel but...

I got through it - 1 point to Julie - 0 points to anxiety!

Good luck to all

Julie x

11-07-06, 08:18
Well done Julie,
I'm not sure if I can make it in today. You've done really well doing 4.5 months feeling like this! Take care it's nice to know we're not alone.


11-07-06, 16:17
Hi Mandy.

Sorry to hear you are feeling like this mate. Hope you feel better soon.

x x

11-07-06, 17:04
Hope today was better for everyone - it's horrible when your face won't stop leaking isnt it!

Love Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

polly daydream
11-07-06, 20:38
Hi hun, I am just the same at the moment, every little thing turns into something big and then the water works start. I started citalopram about the same time and am upping it to 15 next week. Hope you feel better soon.

Best wishes,

Polly x

11-07-06, 21:58
Crying at work isn't always such a bad thing - I hate myself if I do it - and it happened in front of my director last ime and I hated myself - but he emailed me a lovely note to say he hoped he hadn't done anything to cause it - and all it showed was how passionately I cared about my job and he saw that as a good thing not a weakness - good to have supportive colleagues.

Hope you have some better days too soon - you will - just some days it all gets to us too much.


12-07-06, 08:53
Thanks once again guys. Had a bit better day at work yesterday. just about to brave it again.
Bite size chunks Dave!!!
