View Full Version : Hello

Lily Kingston
24-05-12, 12:22
Hello, my name is Lily, I am 36 and I suffer from General Anxiety Disorder.

I have suffered from GAD since I was a child but didn't realise - I thought I was just weird and over sensitive. I only very recently discovered the term GAD. I wish someone could have diagnosed it earlier then maybe I wouldn't have felt bad all these years.

I have also suffered from panic attacks since I was 13.

I have suffered from 3 nervous breakdowns in the past and I believe I have just suffered a 4th. I have recovered from them without medication, although it has been prescribed, because I am terrified of side effects, which ironically increases my anxiety. My latest prescription was for beta-blockers. I am considering therapy that my doctor also offered.

I joined this forum because I am currently plagued by anxiety, bad thoughts and dizzy spells which are crippling me and I feel like I can't take much more. I am constantly on edge & just can't relax. I can't even sit through a film or read a book - my mind is always full and my chest feels tight.

I thought it might provide some comfort talking to someone that has suffered the same thing. I don't think anyone can empathise if they haven't experienced this debilitating condition.

24-05-12, 12:32
Hi Lily Kingston

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

24-05-12, 13:01
I have replied on another thread but I promise I know what you are going through.
My mind is buzzing with so many things at the moment, I cant sit still for 5 minutes and likewise something like watching a film or reading a book is out of the question.
I felt so awful when I woke and didnt think I would get through the day but things are slowly improving as the day goes on.
Just remember you are not alone. I only joined yesterday but there seem to be some great people on here :hugs:

Lily Kingston
24-05-12, 13:08
I have to stay indoors today to rest as my arthritis causes fatigue but staying in doesn't always work for me - too much time to think. I have been dizzy & anxious all day so far. I'm gonna have to go and find something to completely distract me so I can calm down.

Also can't spend too much time typing - the arthritis is in my fingers :(

Thankyou for your replies - I really appreciate it x

24-05-12, 13:20
I just joined today and can empathise with how you're feeling. I also thought I had a nervous breakdown recently but just brushed it off. This group seems really supportive and I hope you are able to distract yourself. I'm sure you can find tips on here. I would welcome them too. I hate it when I'm at work and am feeling dizzy and am petrified of fainting in front of someone. Big hugs :hugs:

24-05-12, 14:50
I completely understand where you are coming from Lily, my anxiety is so bad at the moment that I can not read a book, or even a newspaper, I am too agitated. Reading has always been one of the loves of my life.
I only joined NMP about a month ago and it has improved my quality of life.

25-05-12, 04:41
Welcome aboard :D

25-05-12, 05:45
Hello I am new as well. I will tell you that I have been there and what I found to help my racing thoughts and negative feelings is meditation. I know you must feel it will never work for you but I do guided meditation which helps with keeping my thoughts on track. It takes time and you may slip back to old thought patterns a few times but it does work and worth every bit of time you put into it. Just go on line and type it in ands explore what works for you, there are so many to try. Hope this helps.:)

Lily Kingston
27-05-12, 08:33
Thankyou for all your replies :hugs:

27-05-12, 09:52
Hi Lily
I too have suffered from anxiety from a young age. I had a big meltdown a couple of months ago. I had to have 5 weeks off work. I'm on ad's which are taking along time to work unfortunately. I do have some good days :) I have had the flu for the past week and that has been a setback. I do feel for you. Anxiety is horrible. Just take one day at a time. Take care, Jo x

27-05-12, 14:21
hi lily welcome

28-05-12, 02:20

Patrick Michael
28-05-12, 06:26
Hey Lily

Welcome to the site and to the community. Yes, I too am feeling a bit comedy at the moment.Going out of focus, finding it hard to concentrate. Had flu a couple of weeks ago and whilst over that, it has rather knocked me back. Distraction, keeping busy - and trying, and god i know its hard - to be easier on oneself - when the simplest thing seems difficult, or enjoyment goes out of favourite activities.

But, we're all here for a reason, and, well, just keep putting one foot in front of the other. Sometimes its all you can do. Thats what I'm doing right now. Good luck.

