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View Full Version : It's reassuring to know someone else out there feels the way I do

24-05-12, 13:08
Hi there,

This is my first post, though I must admit to being a regular viewer of posts, if nothing else than to reassure me that I am not the only one experiencing anxiety and panic attacks.

I am in my late 30's and suffered from panic attacks in my late teens, these virtually disappeared into my early twenties leaving me to carry on with life without any fear. I have alsways been someone who over analyses things and who tends to 'worse case sceanrio' events - i.e. going on holiday, my first thought isn't 'yippee, two weeks in the sun', it's 'oh no, this plane is going to crash'!

Anyway, over the past couple of years since having children I have been overly concerned with my health (what with having the extra responsibilities) to the extent that I paid a lot of money to have a health check. All came back ok. However it would appear that all the worry that has been building up has burst as I am now in a contant state of anxiety over nothing in particular (is this GAD?). My symptoms are headaches, migraines, constant dizziness, and just an overwhelming feeling of not being 'me'. As someone who is also a bit of a control freak, this feeling of my mind controlling my physiology, is not at all comfortable and makes me worry more. Hence I get myself in a knot of worry and in a circle of anxiety. There's alsways a bit of me that thinks, 'This can't be anxiety, it must be something else...brain tumour, heart attack etc etc.

I am having an assessment with a psychiatrist tomorrow and hope to be referred for CBT. For me the past couple of months of dizziness have been awful and I really hope to be able to nip this in the bud. I feel weak. Yet I also feel strong when I come on this site and read posts / articles.

Thank you for posting, thank you reading, and thank you for being there. It really is reassuring that we are all in this together xx

24-05-12, 13:19
Hi Zodiac

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

24-05-12, 13:37
Hi Zodiac, ur post was so touching and heart felt. I know its easy for me to say but you will get better. The fact that ur seeing a psy consultant tommrow is good as he will help you. before you go write down everything you experience as if ur anything like me my mind goes awol when im there!! I saw my psy/con last week and ive started new meds which are making me quite ill but im hoping this will wear off in time. I have this site so comforting as i was living in a such a lonely place untill recently and have received so much support from people on here already. with much love and good luck tommrow. missie x