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View Full Version : Dead:::So when do I stiffen

10-07-06, 18:33
Hi All,

Well I'm not good today at all. Been to the doctors again today. This sickness and back pain I've been having for the past 2 weeks ain't getting any better after finishing my 2nd course of antibiotics. The doctor today gave me some new medication for my IBS which she thinks may help me. She then asked me to go into the nurse and get a urine sample taken. The nurse tested the urine with a machine thingy and asked me if i'd taken the sample out of the toilet as it was showing up loads of things. Well of course me and my health anxiety went into overdrive. She said it's showing up 2 counts of blood...2 counts of protein and 3 counts of ketones. Now it has to be sent to the lab to "grow" for 2 days. The nurse told me that I musn't be drinking enough as so many things in my urine show dehydration. I guess now it's just a waiting, worrying and generally thinking of all the worst cancers that can be wrong with me. My lovely, adorable, thoughtful husband was so sympathetic. He told me "Mandy your dead if you had the sense to stiffen". I'm so so glad that husbands were invented(NOT)

Thanks again for listening to mental mandy and no doubt i'll keep you up to date on results.

I'm so gonna try and not put my googling glasses on cos Lin would kill me!!!



10-07-06, 18:38
Oh Mandy, Im sure there is nothing to worry about. The dehydration means that your urine is bound to be more concentrated than usual, and therefore ketones, blood etc will be higher.

If Lin doesnt want you Googling, then try Yahoo, or Ask Jeeves lol.

Anyways my sweet, I am damn sure everything will be just fine, and you'll be jumping for joy very very soon.

Let us know how you get on.

With Love

Ross x

10-07-06, 18:44
Hi completely sane Mandy,

Sorry to hear that things are tough at the moment. It might be that you have a bladder infection which would explain the blood and protein, and the ketones may just indicate that you are run down. I had so many urinary tract infections last year that made me feel nauseous and gave me backache, I must have gone through the whole range of antibiotics. Some of the bugs were resistant to certain antibiotics (they found this out after lab tests), so the lab test will clarify things for you and determine the right treatment.

Try to drink a reasonable amount of water in the meantime and don't let your lovely husband's comments get you down. I expect you're feeling lousy enough as it is, but once you have sorted this problem, you'll be more resilient again.

Eeb x

10-07-06, 19:54
hi mandy,try to drink more if you can as it does flush you out!!!your urine is bound to show abnormalities if you are dehydrated.please don,t google it will only make your anxiety worse.you,ll be fine and don,t go worrying about it being something sinister it will all be fine!!!and please don,t think your going mad,you,re a very sane person who just worries like the rest of us!!!take care hope you feel lots better soon rachelx x x

10-07-06, 21:28
Hey Mad Mandy,

Awwwwww hun I can just imagine you when the nurse said that ffs. Bet ye nearly peed ur pants. lol.

Mandy hun try not to worry. I know that's easier said than done. I've had things sent off to the lab to grow before hun. But hey that don't suprise me does it u eh really??? lol. I'm sure there is nothing to worry bout hun.

You must make sure as with any infection Mandy, that you are drinkin loads an loads hun. These infecions can last for ages hun and I know it's a pain but just try not to worry or think the worst OK.

Just kick your hubby to the kerb Mandy. lol. Do as he does. Let it go in one ear and out the other. lol.

I'm sorry that this happened today hun. You know where I am if ye need me.


and ross shurrrrruupp. Don't be putting ideas in her head, or i'll get u too[xx(]:D

Big hugs hun and loadsa kisses. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Take care,


10-07-06, 21:37
Mandy hun, sorry you had to go through all that today, yuck!!! But don't worry, drink loads (of water lol) and that should flush out your kidneys. As i said before, once they know which bug it is they can work out the correct antibiotic for you. But as you've had two lots already make sure you take some stuff to help replace any 'good bacteria' that they destroy, as antibiotics aren't fussy and kill everything off!! You will fine believe me - keep smiling

Take care

'This too will pass'