View Full Version : ROCD or Male Chauvenism?

24-05-12, 16:21
Hi everyone, again I'm looking for constructive criticism and advice, my mental problems have been well documented on here but I'm really in turmoil re my current relationship, and I really don't know whether I am turning into a male chauvinist pig, or my OCD is getting worse or whether something else is effecting me. I have had been a very regular masturbator since my teens and it started as a way of coping with destressing after bullying, now it's just a habit before going to bed. The reason I mention this is it may be a factor in why I am feeling the way I do. As I have mentioned in a previous thread, despite the fact I have been going out with my current gf for about 5 months and on the surface we have been v good, only my head is constantly thinking otherwise. She is more into me than I her and already is using the line I love you to which I know it's a sin when you are unsure but I have been responding with I love you back. Now I shall delve into the problems my head is giving me. Despite the fact I merely had a fling with a girl at university and we were more friends than anything, the more I try and put her out of my head the more she comes in (intrusive thoughts?) Let me be clear my life circumstances mean I am hundreds of miles away from uni and I haven't seen this girl in at least 6 months (before I met my gf), she did use the line I think we were meant to be together but at the time I thought not much of it but a tiny acorn is developing into a tree as it were. I have deleted her from my Facebook as well as her number from my phone in order to try to cut all ties yet my head keeps thinking of her, to the extent when sometimes I have the urge/compulsion to think of my gf by the wrong name, that of the university girl. It has gotten to the stage where it is really bad and when I think of my gf often the wrong name will pop into my head. Is this ROCD, or a form of OCD? In addition to this I find myself having the urge to look at any attractive women I see and thinking about them as my girlfriend or at least in a bedroom situation, I know men are genetically programmed to look but I guess like an intrusive thought the more I try not to look the more I do look. Only this morning I saw a good looking woman and looked at her bf and though he is maybe uglier than I am, I would have a chance as her bf. I know these are merely thoughts but they are really wearing me down. My gf knows I am suffering from OCD and depression but not to the extent I am and for obvious reasons I don't want to talk about these issues with her since the subject is somewhat sensitive!!!

24-05-12, 17:59
Well it seems like she loves you. You don't love her. Maybe you will in time or maybe you won't .
With the other girl you want what you can't have , it's exciting , new, mysterious etc . .
To be honest I don't think you're ready for a serious relashionship.
You're already lieing to your girlfriend by telling her you love her, you're only protecting your self here, you don't want to deal with the fall out , if she knew you didn't feel the same way .
Dude you don't love you girlfriend , you said it yourself .
Are you only with her because it's better than being alone?
It seems to me you're simply waiting for someone better to come along.
If that is the case, then stop leading that poor girl on n be honest .

I can't tell you if any of this is OCD related or not, maybe someone else will.

24-05-12, 20:00
You may be right Mishel, I am too inexperienced in relationships to know what love is, perhaps when my head is clear I do love her, only my head is in such turmoil at the moment it is very hard to keep focus on the things that are important. I have become distant from my parents, my friends, everyone really. Perhaps I am not ready for a long-term relationship, though I am in my late 20s so one would have thought that by now I would be. I know none of this answer is very concise but as I say with my head in the state it is I really don't know if I am coming or going :(