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View Full Version : high pressure in eyes

25-05-12, 07:35
Hello everyone.
I'm really panicking at the moment. I went for an eye test at the opticians and he said the eye pressure in my eyes were high. When he took them again he said they were average but he has sent a referral letter to a eye doctor at a hospital. He said ill have to wait probably 2 months for an appointment and I'm worried sick.
I have been getting eye strain in one eye and at times blurry vision in the smae eye but when he looked in my eyes he said they were fine.
I'm just so worried that I have a disease or dr google said it could be cancer.
I also have a whooshing sound in my ears at times but I'm putting that down to just having had a cold ?

Does anyone know if anxiety and stress effects eye pressure? 2 months to see an eye doctor is a long time to wait when you have HA
Thanks everyone for reading this, sorry its long winded
Helen x

25-05-12, 19:08
The pressure in your eyes flactulate all day. I had high pressure in one of my eyes my optician recommended going back a couple of days later & it was normal. If your optician isn't sending you to the hospital right away my guess is he isn't overly worried maybe it's just to get a better look in your eyes but an average reading sound's ok to me. I did mention to my optician that I suffer with HA & he was very understanding & said that if he thought it was anything serious he would have sent me to hospital straight away.
Maybe go back & have a chat with him & I know it's easy to say but try not to worry hun :)