View Full Version : anxiety stoping my life with my family

10-07-06, 19:00

i have had health anxiety for years now and it is getting the better of me i just dont know what to do anymore i am fedup of trying .
i get very stressed if i have to go away from home and today my hubby went to glasgo for a week i thought i would take my little girl to the beach on the train and spend some time with her it didnt work at all i felt i was paniking all the time and rushing her so we could get home .
i get eptopic heart beats all the time these days and they scare me loads i just to say cope with them at home but if they happen while i am out like today then i just go to bits i panic and feel i need to get to a doctor its so bad my hubby just goy a tent and loads of camping stuff and wants us to go away and i am dreading it .
it is coming between me and my hubby and i feel my little girl misses out on lots because of me a just wish the eptopics would go then i might not be as stressed anyway sorry for ranting i have just had the worst day and right now feel like i would be better not around as i seem to be getting in the way.

10-07-06, 21:26
Hi Jodie,
Sorry to hear you're having a bad time of it at the moment - I've had irregular heartbeats on occasion and know how scarey they can be, but thankfully I don't panic as much now when it happens. I find it helps to stop whatever I'm doing and talk myself down (in my head) whilst taking slow deep breaths until it passes. My partner is quite just to me holding my chest and saying "Ooooh, palpitaions"
Also, my sister went through a stage of them just after my dad died. On seeing her Doctor he said she was fine but to try & give up smoking and avoid stimulants/caffeine (tea/coffee/cola). She couldn't go without her coffee though so went to decaff. She has noticed a difference & has even got me on it now!
I hope that's of some help - however small.
B Wolf


10-07-06, 21:27
Aww jodie, I am so sorry that you are feeling so down. i can relate to how you are feeling at the moment. i don't like being away from my safe zone and I find i am not doing all the things that i would normally do with my family. the thing is we have to sometimes say, this is how i am at the moment, i don't like it but i will get better and not putting too much pressure on yourself is one to help reduce the stress. maybe try and do little things, a walk together, a trip to the park, just playing outside in the garden, things that are not too difficult and are in a safe zone for you. that will help to distract you from the eptopics and spend time with the family. Hope you feel better soon. Have you chatted to your husband about how you are feeling? I'm sure if he knew how upset it is making you he would understand and try and sort something out together

Take care

'This too will pass'

11-07-06, 20:45
thanks daisy and wolf

it means a lot to me all your kind words i do feel realy down at the min i was just so upset when i wrote this post after having to bring my little girl home from thye seaside .
and with my hubby away ihave felt like mabe i would be better on my own with my doughter i feel like i dont have to please anyone or put a face on in front of him he has never tryed to understand and i just feel not so under preasure i am just afrade of upsetting my little girl .


17-07-06, 03:39
Hi Jodie!

*cuddles close next to you and holds your hand* I can realte to your pain and I understand it feels like your a burden on your family. I feel the same way with my husband at times when I go into panic. First off never think your better not around as it seems your getting in the way. I would recommend you seek medical attention for these issues. Inform your docotor about the thought and feelings and perhaps he can assist you with a medication to assist you in your recovery. I felt the same way like I said and am now on medication called Zoloft. And it helps with Anxiety and depresstion which is often secondary with HA. I try to live life to the fullest granted with anxiety I am not always able to do that in fear that Im going to drop dead of a heart attack, stroke, aneurysm, CHF, Diabeties.. ahhhhh friend the list goes on and on. Im getting off track I think.. Anyway take care hope your feeling better not sure if what I shared was helpfull but anyhow... remember your not alone and thank you so much for shareing with us all!