View Full Version : Twinge in chest

Natalie x
25-05-12, 12:57
Hi. Not posted here in a while. Basically the past couple of days, I've had a twinfe in my chest at the left hand side. It's not a constant twinge, it comes and goes but earlier today my left arm started to get a bit sore and that's when the panic started. I was rushing around a bit in work and came out for some fresh air but I'm still panicking. I'm also going on a night out tonight and that's freaking me out because of the feelings I'm having. Can anyone relate or help at all? Thanks x

25-05-12, 13:11
Try not to worry, we all get odd symptoms like this from time to time and no doubt it will go as soon as it came. Take a couple of pain killers and I am sure it will go.

25-05-12, 13:31
I get these loads....seems to be when I'm stressing about getting kids ready in the morning...out of nowhere I will have a sharp pain on what feels like the heart area...I think it's something to do with a muscle tensing....


25-05-12, 13:44
agree totally, i get twinges on a daily basis and have done for 3 months... probs just muscular