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View Full Version : So difficult when symptoms are so real!

25-05-12, 13:05
HI all, haven't posted in ages.

I am really struggling.

All the books I read on anxiety and everyone I speak to says "don't worry" "it's all in your mind" and so on. I am told to think positive, but when I do, something always goes wrong.

I had a mole on my wrist removed last week that had worried me for 6 years despite no less than 7 Dr's saying it was ok. In the end I had to pay as NHS wouldn't remove.

No soon as it was gone, my focus started (as deep down I knew it would) on other moles ?new ones ?growing ones ?odd shaped ones and so on..

I dislike the summer because more skin is exposed and so my skin cancer fear increases ten-fold.

Just as I was telling myself to calm down, be positive from now on etc I yesterday had a quick scan of my legs (which were in shorts! arrgh) and noticed a mole on the inner thigh to look an odd shape. It's very small and when not looking closely it looks like all my other moles but when I look more closely it looks odd.

Dr appointment again!

How on earth can I stop worrting when I have ACTUAL symptoms!

Oh dear, I wish this HA would just go away!:mad:

25-05-12, 13:32
Hi, you sound just like me - yesterday I thought I would just check the sunspot which has been on my forehead for ages and twice the docs have said its fine but now it has changed and gone a bit bumpy - it wasn't like that a couple of weeks ago, must be from the sun in the last couple of days - it feels more raised. I hate the summer and all that goes with it! If I go out in the sun I worry about skin cancer and if I stay in I worry about Vitamin D deficiancy! It seems I just get over one HA worry when another springs up - its so tedious! It can't be just us who have a never ending list of 'real' symptoms, do the rest of the population just ignore it??

25-05-12, 14:59
How do they remove them?
I have one that's gone dark n looks like a scab, doctor said the mole was ok . .
So ya but it looks horrid!
I'd like to get it removed but nervous because I don't know what to expect.

I have one more mole on my face, neck and arm.
I like them because they look like a freakles lol but they they will warm me I hope if I ever get skin cancer by going funny n changing colour.

If you're not going out and getting sun burnt honestly your chances will be lower.
You can wear sun cream too and cover up !
I'd be dizzy after a few minutes under the hot sun , don't know people enjoy sunbathing, turning red n dealing with their skin peeling !