View Full Version : Hi everyone!

25-05-12, 21:21
Hi all! I have suffered from anxiety and panic attacks at different times in my life, but the most recent bout of anxiety and panic started just over a month ago and I thought I would join this site for some support and also to help others where I can. Since having my first panic attack just over a month ago, I have also developed agoraphobic symtoms, where I feel very anxious to go outside. Although I do go outside everyday, I do find it very traumatic. So if anyone else has suffered from this and you have some helpful tips to get over this, please say hi. In fact say hi anyway!

It makes me feel good to know that I'm not the only one with these problems.



25-05-12, 21:31
Hi JustJames

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

25-05-12, 21:39
Hi James,
Just keep doing what you are doing, make yourself go out no matter how frightening this may seem, it's the only way to stop the agorophobia.

take care:D

25-05-12, 21:59
Hi James this happened to me a few weeks after i had panic attacks but it did pass again, i think sometimes what seems like agraphobia is actually just anxiety getting worse because you have changed your environment ( well it was for me anyway) When that happened it was very scary as i thought not only have i got panic and anxiety out of no where i now have agrophobia, which was a frightening thought and caused more anxiety. Although not completely better I am ok outside with other people x

25-05-12, 22:03
Thanks BobbyDog, you're absolutely right, I do have to make myself go out no matter how scary it is. Thanks for your kind words.

---------- Post added at 22:03 ---------- Previous post was at 22:00 ----------

Hi rockydog, thanks for your comments.I'm glad to hear you are able to go outside again and speak to people. I know in time if I just keep going out I will feel better again. Cheers.

25-05-12, 22:08
The more you go out the less scary it will seem and the more experiences you will have of realising that although it may feel unpleasant it is just your anxiety and nothing bad will happen to you x

25-05-12, 22:31
You're 100% right. The panic can make feel like the last thing you want to do is go outside, but that is precisely what I should be doing. I will beat this though! I hope you are feeling ok tonight and your problems aren't getting you down.

25-05-12, 22:58
Im ok thanks, on the better side of unwell now. Although it started in October and it took sometime for me to believe this is anxiety. Feeling like i was developing agrophobia was the worst though as that meant a completely different thing to be housebound. Luckily it passed with a lot of help and reassurance and i started back at work this week :)

25-05-12, 23:15
Hi there
My advice is keep doing as you are doing i developed anxiety after an illness (never had this is in my life) but suddenly i was fearful of going out anywhere.
I faced all of this no matter how uncomfortable i am now on meds but even before this it was decreasing unfortunately trying to control it tipped my over into depression but as said also recovering from an illness. Hang on in there i can now go anywhere with no physical effects x

26-05-12, 00:42
Hi & :welcome:

I have suffered anx/panic on & off for a few years and the agoraphobia crept up on me after avoiding things or places that made me anxious. My world slowly closed in on me until I had a breakdown last November. Never went outside the door for nearly 3 months. I am on diazepam and also having CBT, thankfully I am making some progress, just little steps at a time. It's great that you are getting out every day even if it feels traumatic....the more you avoid things, the worse it becomes. I had 3 months off work and the best thing I did to help my recovery was to go back. If I hadn't I would probably be housebound now. Understanding how anxiety/panic affects your thought process is the key. Have you spoken to your GP about this? You seem to have a good positive attitude so just keep taking small steps, praise yourself for what you do achieve, and don't be too hard on yourself if you have a bad day.
This site is great and I have got so much from being here...I hope you do too.

Kitti :)

26-05-12, 22:05
That's great news rockydog, well done to you sir! It's always great to hear peoples stories about them getting better and moving on with their lives. Can I ask what broadly helped you to get over the agrophobia?

Thanks for your kind words TJSmith, deleighted you have recovered. In terms of depression just remember to create goals and things to look forward to.

Thanks to you too Kitti, I'm really pleased you have felt better after returning to work. I must admit I don't feel that confident enough yet to go back, but I am working on it. In regard to speaking to my doctor I keep telling myself that I can recover from this on my own. I do think I should go but for some reason I am apprehensive. Maybe I should just bite the bullet so to speak. I am getting a lot from this site. It's great to hear that we aren't alone in these feelings and that there are people of living proof that we can successfully recover to a happier life.

Thanks again everyone.

27-05-12, 15:25
Hi, Im not really sure what helped the most to be honest. I think i needed time first to believe what i was feeling was just anxiety, and had to rationally come to the conclusion that what ever was wrong with me really couldnt just exist outside the house lol
I have had cbt and talked an awful lot about what causes the feelings we get, most of which is listed on here under symptoms. Then decided i wasnt going to give in to being trapped inside. I understood that when i first went out i would have those feelings so to expect them and remind myself that ok they were feelings i didnt like, but the more i went out and had them, the less they would come.
I know that sounds a lot easier than it is, and when i first went out i felt completely spaced out and unreal and i didnt want to be out anywhere for long. I cant say it was enjoyable :) and when i came in i would want to go and sit alone andd recover. But it gradually got better until i didnt feel so bad, i had the odd racing heart whilst out for a while. I still dont feel 100 % and dont go out for hours on end, but that is mainly due to being unwell for 7 months and now feel really worn out when i do to much. So need to build it up until im ok again. Staying inside has left me with a severe vitamin D deficiency that is now being treated.
Most recently i have thought to myself if i have a panic attack where ever i am i will just tell who ever im with even if its at the doctors or work etc, because all the time i am worried about it happening it is holding me back. (sorry long story) x

27-05-12, 16:27
It sounds like you have had a pretty bumpy ride and I can really empathise with everything you have said and experienced. You have said some things though that resonate with my thinking, like understanding that I can expect those feelings to come when I'm outside but that it doesn't have to stop me living my life and doing what I have to do. I'm really pleased you have made so much progress though, you sound very positive and philosophical about what you have been through. Thanks again for the tips, it always helps to talk with other people about these things.

Hope you have a good Sunday! Cheers. x