View Full Version : Smoking and anxiety

10-07-06, 22:31
I know they say smoking calms you. But isnt it a stimulant like caffeine. They say stay away from coffee etc, but why not cigarettes. My question is if your a very heavy smoker, can that actually increase anxiety?

10-07-06, 23:26
hi PaladinX,

yeah they say ohhhhhhhhhhhh dont smoke but hey it chills me when im stressed or anxios so ******* to the experts if we did everything we were told we wouldnt have a life ,,yeah i think it is a stimulant but it works for me,, i honestly dont know where these SO CALLED experts get there ideas from,,

mmmmmmmmmmm puff puff lol,,

(disclamer) not condoning smoking lol,


better to fight for something than to live for nothing

11-07-06, 00:06
yeah but i smoke way too much. I smoke 2 packs or more. i dont get enough excercise. thats why i always think i have a health problem. I think i still do, but the doctor said im ok. but i just dont believe him lol. Im not tense or anything then ill feel dizzy all of the sudden or wake up and feel dizzy.

11-07-06, 01:24
Hey PaladinX,
I smoke too - though sometimes I wish I didn't - like when I get up in the morning & cough for England.......but then strangely, that first cigarette stops me coughing!! (can someone please explain why??)
It's a really bad habit & I have it on my sister's doctor's authority that it isn't good for irregular heartbeats to name but one and is, as trevor confirms, a stimulant. Having said that - also like yourself & trevor - I tend to use cigarettes to calm me down. If I'm going somewhere that's crowded or puts me in unfamiliar surroundings I rely on them to settle my nerves. I wouldn't recommend it as a remedy but short term (before I find an alternative) it does seem to work. I personally would welcome advice on alternatives though!!
B Wolf


11-07-06, 12:02
Hi Paladin,

I'm also a smoker and wish I wasnt. I think smoking calms me a lot but I'm sure aint doing my health any good. lol



11-07-06, 16:18
smoking wont help at all it only helps the symptoms of being a smoker. Having said that if you think it will help you it probably will! i smoke but not when im stressed as it makes me feel worse. It is my understanding that being a smoker makes you more stressed than a non smoker coz needing a smoke makes you stressed and smoking just stops you needing a smoke. so if you dont smoke at the mo dont start it wont help

11-07-06, 17:50
Oh geez no i hope people dont start smoking to relieve stress. We are on here a lot of the time because we suffer with health anxiety, how can smoking possibly make that better when its a well known fact it causes health problems in more than 90% of the body, & more so as we age.
Its a short term relief but makes it worse in the long term due to the chemicals in them.
Caz xxx

Pete to win Big Brother! He is Daddy Fantastic with pants made of elastic!

03-08-06, 22:54
i smoke. so wanna stop. im starting a withdrawl, apparently going cold turkey will make your nerves worse! somethign interesting, apparently 9/10 people who start smoking will suffer some form of anxiety/panic or depression in their adolescence. All to do with the breathing.
The best thing ive heard for stopping smoking is the alan carr's easy way. I just dont have time to read the book, ive lost concentratin at the mo. But if you can concentrate read the reviews on amazon, aparently, you read the book and your a non smoker by the last page! and theres no sress, worries or weight gain! theres even a special book for women in his section!

03-08-06, 22:56
oh, btw, when im anxious, some reason...i cant smoke! just get more paranoid! thinking all the negative health risks and think ill get way out of breath

05-08-06, 17:26
i think with what we have its whatever works for you. lets be hosest has a doctor or expert ever given you a straight awnser about any of this?

05-08-06, 19:32
When I took my first P.A is when I quit smoking and I have never looked back. And it wasn't cause a doctor told me too, it's because I fear that if I smoke I will hyperventalate and panic!!

Anxiety is just differnt for everyone I think. Do what ever makes you comfortable.

Take Carexx


onwards and upwards