View Full Version : stroke

26-05-12, 16:16
Hi everyone,haven't been on for a while but at the moment feel I needed to come back on here.

My husband is 49 and last Sunday out of the blue had a stroke.Luckily for him it wasn't to bad.Its left him with some balance problem which should go in time when the clot disperses and the swelling has gone.

Its totally shocked him and me.He has to have further investigations but is home.

I coped really well with panic when it happened and while he was in hospital,I had to.But now Im pretty low and anxious and scared of the future.Total life change this is for both of us,something we never expected.

I would like to know if anyone else here has been through the same or similar situation and how you cope everyday,positive please no negatives!!!! can't deal with that at the moment.

Im a learner driver and haven't driven for over a year maybe more but had to get back behind the wheel today which was hard,but I did well.Hubby can't drive for a month so needed to do this.I can get him to his hospital appointment's this way.xxxxx:ohmy:

26-05-12, 16:50
Hi, I'm sorry to hear about your husband x
I have been through a similar experience - 2 years ago my husband who was 41 at the time had a massive seizure right in front of me - I thought he was having a stroke and when the fitting stopped I thought he was dead. It was absolutley awful - I completely panicked - i couldnt even operate my phone - my daughter had to phone 999 for me.
Anyway - he made a full recovery - the only explanation we have is stress and depression, his MRI showed something but the neuro said it wasnt related to his fit and he wasnt concerned - he hasnt had one since and has now been discharge - he couldnt drive for 6 months.
Initially i was a wreck i couldnt stop crying, he on the other hand has no recall of the event and was fine with everything!! In time I accepted what had happened, and I coped well.
I also work in occupational therapy and have specialised in stroke for around 10 years now, i see many patients and their families and the majority of them recover well, yes they make lifestyle changes and are checked on by the stroke consultant, but most go back to their lives fully recovered.
It is a shock what you have been through, and it will take time to come to terms with it, but from what you say things sound like he is recovering quickly which is always a good sign xxx

27-05-12, 00:35
Hi debbsi thank you so much for your reply.Im so sorry to hear about your husband,but so pleased to hear he made a full recovery.

Thank you for advise to,good to hear people do make full recovery's.

Im still in shock and Im scared of losing him,just need to find a way of coping and looking to a good future instead of being so negative,very hard at the moment.:hugs: