View Full Version : hi all im new n need help plz

27-05-12, 12:19
Hi I have suffered from anxiety and panic attacks at different times in my life, but the most recent bout of anxiety and panic started just over a month ago and I thought I would join this site for some support. it that bad now i can not leave my house. i have 2mg of diazpam but im so scared of taking diazapam. i need help guy's. what will it do to me will it work what will i feel like. what side effects did u have.. ps i do not take any meds at all.

27-05-12, 12:31
Hi josh1987

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

27-05-12, 12:31
Hi josh1987

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

27-05-12, 13:08
Hello and welcome
2mg is a tiny dose and should make you more relaxed nothing more.

Try it

Love Joy

27-05-12, 13:34
lol i want to but sooo scared to

27-05-12, 13:37

I totally agree with Joy, 2mg is such a small dose you will hardly notice but it may just relax you slightly and give you a little relief. I am tablet phobic but diazepam has been a lifesaver for me. I have used it on an as & when basis for a few years now, and most recently after a really bad spell was on 12mg daily and able to function and gain some control back in my life. I am now having therapy and slowly starting to reduce the diaz as I improve. Good luck, you'll be fine.

Kitti :)

27-05-12, 13:40
thanks kittikat. i was just about to ask can u function on it. do u have any side effects from it?

27-05-12, 13:48
No....only on the higher dose...perhaps a little more tired (but always tired anyway) and just a little more forgetful :) other than that....great stuff!! I function well, have returned to work, and I find it much easier to let things which would normally stress me out go almost completley over my head. You'll be fine, seriously.

27-05-12, 13:48
this may b hard to understand but do u still feel yourself?

27-05-12, 13:48
Hi Josh and welcome.

I can only speak of my experience with anxiety and panic attacks. I take low dose Diazapam but only if im feeling really bad. This is due to my Doctors reluctance to prescribe it so I save it for the really bad wobbles:D

2mg is a very low dose and is nothing to be scared of. Your not going to turn into a doped out zombie but should start to feel relaxed and content. You may not feel any affect at all at this dose depending on your constitution but most people do get benefit.

Your not either going to become dependant on them overnight so don't worry that you will become addicted on your first go.

I find taking Diazapam really helps in times of extreme anxiety but if you have been suffering anxiety for a month now and on and off for a while maybe you would benefit from using an SSRI which is a drug used by many on these forums that help with anxiety, panic and depression. Also some CBT therapy is recommended to teach you how to deal with your problems?

Worth having a word with your Doc' about it?

Good luck,


27-05-12, 13:49
i dnt even leave the house nomore beacuse its that bad

27-05-12, 13:54
this may b hard to understand but do u still feel yourself?

Completley.....honestly, I feel myself, not spaced out or anything. I also agree with everything southey has just posted :yesyes:

---------- Post added at 13:54 ---------- Previous post was at 13:51 ----------

i dnt even leave the house nomore beacuse its that bad

I was housebound for nearly 3 months....once the diaz doseage was right, I slowly started getting my life back. I've still a way to go, but as I said a lifesaver for me.

27-05-12, 13:56
thanks southey.. i dnt want to go on any SSRI. n yes i just started doin CBT therapy. i was doin it b4 n all was good so i stopped goin n now 2years on its come bad hard n the guy i use 2 c has lefted witch suxs beacuse he was great n had this problem as well no new what he was on about not just readin out of a book like the person im seenin now.

---------- Post added at 22:26 ---------- Previous post was at 22:25 ----------

r u on anywith else kittikat...

27-05-12, 13:57
Me too Kittikat, after taking a Diazapam I feel totally myself just without the anxiety and tension.

If your feeling bad now Josh why not take one now while were all online and report back in 10-20 minutes so you can tell us how nice you feel?


27-05-12, 14:11
i would love 2 but just so scared n i dnt even no y i m... i guess that just the mind playin these games.

---------- Post added at 22:41 ---------- Previous post was at 22:29 ----------

all so does diazapam take away the symptoms? like sweetin hot feelin ect?

27-05-12, 14:26
If your sweating and feeling hot from being worked up and anxious then maybe it will help as it will calm you down.

In Britain we don't get much heat but as it happens this last week has been hot and I'm sitting here all hot and bothered so know how you feel.


27-05-12, 14:27
Me too Kittikat, after taking a Diazapam I feel totally myself just without the anxiety and tension.

If your feeling bad now Josh why not take one now while were all online and report back in 10-20 minutes so you can tell us how nice you feel?


Great idea....we are here so you won't be alone.....you'll be fine, honestly Josh. And yes, your mind is playing tricks on you. Kitti :)

28-05-12, 14:16
i guess what im worryed about is can they make u worst like ad's do?

28-05-12, 15:19
Hi Josh, I don't know that much about meds but I agree with everything the other guys are saying here. It's not going to make you a zombie, it will just chill you out. Does anyone else know about how you are feeling? Do you have support?

07-07-12, 13:45

07-07-12, 14:24
hi Josh 1987 I agree with what the other guys have said 2mg is a very low dose it may help you to relax Give it a try best wishes Denise

09-07-12, 08:39
I was given one 5mg tablet in hospital in Spain after having what I thought was a heart attack (actually panic attack - after spending my whole Holiday thinking I have some major heart problem). My arms were numb and tingling, heart racing, minutes after taking it, I just felt really really calm, all the symptoms stopped, and I felt so relaxed, a little bit giggly, but not 'doped up or high'. I would however only take it if you really need it, on the onset of a panic attack.