View Full Version : FW: Magazine Interview

Sue K with 5
11-07-06, 02:41
Some two months ago I was interviewed by a magazine about agoraphobia.

The Magazine is called Top Sante and I believe that it is now out.

The article I have heard is very good, although if it has made me look fat I am sueing the buggers

I did it in the hope that it would reach an audience where sufferers would find help so I plugged NMP on it.

Happy reading

Sue with 5


11-07-06, 07:01
Hey Sue,

My word ye kept that quiet didn't cha eh lol.

Well I'm glad you did this as it may bring more awareness as to what it's like to suffer with this damn thing.

I not got it yet but I won't be going out to buy it. lmao. I'll get someone else to.lmao. Eh maybe you'll be so so famous that it will fly off the shelfs. lol.

Oh Sue don't worry if it makes ye look fat hun, just means there be more of ye to go around lmao

Well done you. I'm sure you'll be a pin up to some poor sod lmao

Love to you hun.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx

Take care,


Sue K with 5
11-07-06, 12:48
lol thanks mate your a star



13-07-06, 16:29
Hi Sue,

Just bought the mag and hey doll your looking cool.



13-07-06, 16:31
Hi Sue.

Been in two shops and they don't sell it! When I go to a supermarket I'll quickly read it in the shop instead of buying it! lol. Saves money. haha.

x x

13-07-06, 16:41
I bought it, Sue!

Great interview and a lovely pic of you too! [8D][8D][8D]

Kate xx

"Everybody's changing and I don't feel the same"

13-07-06, 18:59
i will have a look for that magazine....

im sure you look lovely sue..
what a good thing to do to get others to realise about this site and what we go through

emily xxx

if it looks like it works and feels like it works then it works!!!

marie ross
14-07-06, 09:14
Hi Sue,

Went out and bought it!!! Brilliant article, i really hope everything goes well for you in the future and that you achieve more and more. Good luck for you and your family.

Take care.

Marie XXX

PS. You look lovely in the photo!!!!!

18-07-06, 21:03
ive looked everywhere for that magazine and today i found a copy in tesco - your article was fantastic and you look great too.


........life is for living not just for surviving

Sue K with 5
21-07-06, 19:31

I am glad so many people went out and brought the magazine. I really enjoyed my day, they did the photo shoot and make up in my house and then the pictures were taken in my garden.

I am not sure about the photo i dont think it looks like me but it was fun to do.

The article was designed to let people know they are not alone and I wanted people to see from our perspective the importance of support and help. NMP is one of the only sites in the UK i have found that can offer all the qualities a person needs to help bring there condition to the surface and has allowed people to work towards recovery.

I would do it all again just to make sure people are aware of the support that is needed and the fact that mental health issues are not to be treated as a stimga

I say stand up and be proud of yourselves and dont let this beat you !!



21-07-06, 20:12
I actually got the magazine today, a kind neighbour picked up a copy for me. It was a totally new magazine to me!
You looked great! And it was agood read, Im glad you can now get out in the garden, im around the same place, its nice to just escape to the garden isnt it? Its amazing how much fear you feel before just at the thought of the garden!
I think you chose a great magazine aswell for the interview. Its brill! all healthy eating etc!
Well done for letting ppl in your home and speaking out, and finding it fun! i could not do that!!!
Becci x x x