View Full Version : pattern.

28-05-12, 08:32
I know everyone is different and and have different sym[ptoms and there isn't any pattern to them. But i wondered what was the most common symptom that seems to linger the longest. Most of my symptoms seem to be going but the one that i am suffering with every day is fatigue. I feel tired all the time and i am sleeping ok at the minute, just wondering if fatigue seems to be the last one to go?

29-05-12, 22:54
Fatigue is definitely a lingering one for me. I seem to have most of mine under control at the minute except for some lightheaded/dizzy feelings and fatigue. I notice that they seem to be worse at work rather than at home, so I have to remind myself it's just anxiety related.

31-05-12, 17:27
mine is my breathing feeling breathless that usually takes a while to go but the rest i can cope with.