View Full Version : Sorry Posting again about DP/DR

28-05-12, 12:14
Hi to all
Have had the most terrible few days with the DP, started sat morning
and been on/off since:weep:
Was awake all last night and had to take 2mg valium at 6am then slept from
7 until 11 this morning....my mind is racing and the thoughts are so weird it
terrifies me
I am looking for so many reasons why I feel this way, could it be I don't drink
hardly any fluids and have always been like this I just never feel dry or the fact
i take 40 mg of Prozac daily and for last 2 weeks have taken 20mgs for 6 out of the 14 days and 40mgs the other days
Could it be I never sleep before 4am every night and that I care for my disabled
14 year old son who's behaviours are very challenging
I have even scared myself so much and thought do I have schizophrenia or am I
going mad.
Do I give in and take sleeping tablets even though the thought sends me into a panic, so scared of taking anything that might make me feel weird and bring on the DP
if anyone can offer any advice i would be so grateful
Manda xx

28-05-12, 15:14
Make sure you drink lots of water, people under estimate the power of water and how good it can make you feel in mind and body...
DP/DR is horrible, but dont dwell on it and why your feeling it, its only a sympton of anxiety, no more...its not an illness itself, so if you want to question anything, then question why you are so anxious...
Your not going mad or schizophrenic.
Without sleep, a good diet,plenty of fluids, even non anxious people would feel low

29-05-12, 23:20
Actually DP can be a completely independent illness and not just a symptom of an anxiety disorder. You only need to check http://www.dpselfhelp.com/forum/ to see how many people suffer it without an existing anxiety disorder.

The good news is there are multiple "grounding" techniques which can be learnt to centre ones self and make the feelings fade, I would ask your therapist about them if you have one.

You could also watch the film called numb for a little light relief.

30-05-12, 00:33
Hi sam
Thank you for your reply, have you suffered with DP
the film you mentioned is it one I could rent out from the local blockbuster
or is it on YouTube

30-05-12, 18:17

Numb is a film which stars Matthew Perry and was written and directed by a DP suffer, It is a comedy of sorts and only provides light relief and some hope that life can continue as normal. - http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0001612/ - You should be able to find it a blockbuster if you ask.

Do I suffer from DP? I have done and in fact you'll be happy to hear that almost all people suffer from it from time to time. It is common just after waking up or having recovering from surgery.

I do not have it chronically but sadly I have HA which centres around it so things can become difficult.

There are plenty of good books about DP and I recommend reading some post on the DP website I mentioned, there are so useful and hopeful posts there.

How are you feeling today?