View Full Version : Hi Everyone

28-05-12, 13:34
Hi all,
Posting to introduce myself, and let you know about my current experience. Hopefully someone can help or offer some advise.
2 months ago, I was going out with friends to a music concert. I regret to say I smoked some Marijuana and as a result had my first panic attack in my life. I am 27 years old, and would say until this point I have been a happy and outgoing person.
Around 15-20 minutes after smoking, the panic attack happened and like a lot of you did not know what was happening to me. I thought it was the end of me.
After this moment, everyday became a constant state of anxiety / nervousness / excitement. I always found myself worrying about things which would never bother me before, going to the shops, meeting friends in the pub etc. Even going to the cinema became an issue. 2 days after the first panic attack I had another one in a bank, and 1 week after that another at my mums simply having dinner (but we were discussing my condition which could have brought it on)
I thought it would simply go away, but after 2 weeks I decided it was time to see the GP. I was concerned for my health, always checking my pulse and found myself being drawn to listening to my heart beat (it seemed louder and more apparent than before).
The GP checked my heart, I had an ECG and also a blood test – and all was clear. In fact he complimented me on my health (I attend the gym everyday).
He sent me on my way, and told me things would improve….well they didn’t, so 1 week later I decided to go back and have another chat. I was given two options 1. Wait for counselling…(to which I am still waiting) or 2. To start taking Citalopram (10mg)
To have anti depressants put in front of me as an option was soul destroying to be honest, but I had to take it as it gave me some hope.
I am currently on day 24 of 28 and have another visit lined up this week before they run out.
So, how has it gone?
Initially I suffered from drowsiness, and headaches. Also, I had some very low moments where I felt so depressed it was unreal. Never had I felt so upset, and emotional about life before. Anxiety persisted, and I went on holiday. I had a pretty good week away to be honest, but then I was doing nothing – enjoying the sun, food and relaxing. I came back last week and have gone back to feeling anxious and down again. I have also been suffering from diarrhea, strange how this has just started? I have not had another panic attack since being on the meds which I guess is a positive, but I have come close on a couple of occasions which has been because of raised anxiety. I do find generally I feel anxious in the mornings when I wake up, (I take the meds around 8-9am every morning) and around 2 – 3 hours later I feel “gittery”. My mood swings all over the place, and I do find that everyday is different…even every half day is different. I get so low and down sometimes and the good things in life aren’t even enough to life me – i.e. going on holiday was never exciting, and nor was picking up my new car. When I get like that, I question everything in my life… and find it to be very negative. I hope this is just the meds? Or perhaps an occurrence because of anxiety…getting me down.
Where do I go from here? Well… I am not sure what the doctor will suggest, but come Friday I am out of medication – so perhaps they will suggest to keep going a little longer or up to dose? Every case is different I guess.
Sometimes I think perhaps I have always had this condition, but it was never “brought to my attention” before so I never worried about it. I look back at myself 6 months ago and can safely say I was outgoing, happy and enjoying life. Sure, I got sad sometimes… but that was stress or just being down (run of the mill stuff basically)
Any advice or help would be well received.

28-05-12, 13:46
Hi HappyGuy

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

28-05-12, 14:01
hi and welcome
you are not alone!
Meds are usually given for minimum of 6 months, so you will be prescribed more.
Some meds take longer than 4wks to even kick in.
I took meds for 9yrs, but been med free now for 10 months, and glad to be free of them, they didnt ever really do much for me...
Counselling may help so worth doing, but again i did CBT about 10yrs ago, and again didnt do much for me!! but perhaps thats just me !
Meds wont cure you, they generally mask symptons you are having, and help you get on with day to day life.. but you have to at some point deal with the causes of the anxiety and the fears you now have associated to different things....
I think i was always an anxious person to some degree, a worrier etc, so when i first suffered anxiety/panic, it probably was a build of of everything... that was 12yrs ago, and im pretty much a master of the whole thing now, as in, i dont panic, havent in years , i no longer have fears, and am pretty much on the recovery road...
Not that i want you to think youve got years of this! you just have to nip it in the bud now before it takes hold of you and your life, and your doing the right thing seeking help.
Your not the first to have this happen after smoking weed, and i used to smoke it in my 20's and there is some info to suggest there is a link to it causing anx.

28-05-12, 15:42
Hi Happyguy,

Don't beat yourself up over smoking a bit of pot, it may have triggered your panics but is very unlikely to have done you any real harm if it was a one off.

I'm sorry to say I smoked a fair bit 20 years ago and think it has something to do with my problems. At that young age you think you are invulnerable and only regret things later in life.

Please do stay on the Citalopram. I am at the same sort of timeframe as you in taking it. I have taken it before several times so know what to expect and know how it does eventually work . It sucks at first and I feel many of the things you describe but I'm starting to feel the benefits now in week 3.

You may want to discuss upping your dose to 20mg with your Doctor? You sound a bit depressed as well as anxious? 10mg is a very low dose and can work for anxiety but a higher dose may work better especially for your depression?

I recently at the end of week 2 went up to 20mg from 10mg. I felt a little worse with anxiety and quite down at first but a week on I'm feeling better. I have a Doctors appointment on Friday and will discuss options then. I'm also on beta-blockers to reduce the jitters and Diazapam when needed which I'm glad to say I haven't needed for a week.

You will get better although it may seem everything is bleak at the moment. Let the Citalopram settle in and do it's thing and day by day you will feel this gradually lifting. Stay on the Cit for at least 6 months.

Good luck,


Vanilla Sky
28-05-12, 22:06
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:

28-05-12, 23:58
re meds consider taking at a different time. I take late pm and so jittery over night.
Are you still going to gym....how are your energy levels....do you like your job????
Happy to talk more.

29-05-12, 10:49
Hi all,

thanks for the replies.

I was considering speaking to the doctor and asking if I could take it before I go to bed... just had the impression the effect would be more beneficial when I am awake and aware? a myth I assume.

Gym is actually going ok - Energy levels are pretty good, nothing abnormal but do find myself sitting and daydreaming occassionally inbetween sets on machines which can bring on a little depression or deep thoughts.

Job is going well, so no real problem there I don't think?

I do find myself thinking about my home, car a lot... I'm never completely content with what I have, but I am not for a minute saying I am not lucky to have what I do.

Steve, I understand the Cit is not a cure - but I am under the impression it is there to "get you through it" so your mind has time to fix itself to a level where you eventually feel "normal" again? I'm a little worried about upping the doseage, as the side effects would be greater than they are no - and the low moments, I feel dreadful :(

Stormsky, I am looking into speaking to someone... perhaps to uncover some hidden truths about myself. I am very much in the mind set of nipping this in the bud - I don't want it to develop or get worse in anyway.

I do believe deep down the meds are working, as I think I've improved somewhat as a whole. You just have the mind set, I am not 100% so they have not worked.

01-06-12, 16:32
Week 4 on the Cit and I have started to notice an improvement.

Anxiety is still there, generally - but it is now at a level where I feel myself a bit more...managing to converse and do things I would normally do.

I am a way off where I want to be, but I can say things are better.... (4 consistent days of feeling like this)

I have been put on 10mg again for 3 months. Doctor has told me to check in if things don't sort themselves out.

Good that the dose hasn't increased, but I am not going to get carried away just yet.

02-06-12, 05:16
Sorry to hear your feeling so terrible. Hope you find your way back on track.:)