View Full Version : Worried about some results.

11-07-06, 09:11
I got myself into a bit of a state a few weeks back as I was feeling dizzy (following a bang to my head).

I saw my doctor about 3/4 times and was told it was BPPV but I was getting so anxious and convinced myself that I had a haemorrage (after late night googling [V]), he referred me to a neurologist. The neuro said he was 99% sure it was also BPPV but ordered an MRI to be sure. My dizziness is almost gone now and in hindsight I should've given it more time and listened to my doctor. I go back this Thursday for the MRI result but now worried that they may have found something horrible going on in my brain like cancer or MS.

Can you see where my vicious cycle has gone? panic, doctor, didn't listen, neuro, MRI - arhh!!!! And all because I was a bit dizzy and thought that it was caused by bleeding in my brain.

Do you think I'll be OK? :(

11-07-06, 09:54
I'm sure deep down you know you will be okay! It's just that logical thoughts get taken over by the dramatic negative ones. I'd say "try to relax until your appointment" but I know that's not possible. Just keep yourself busy until Thursday and think how relieved you will feel when it's all over.

If you need to chat to keep yourself on the straight and narrow, don't hesitate to contact me. I won't be able to help as such but I am always happy to chat and provide a distraction.

Take care and good luck!


11-07-06, 10:06
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">I'm sure deep down you know you will be okay! It's just that logical thoughts get taken over by the dramatic negative ones.

</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

and all because I bumped my head [Sigh...]

I really need to stop self-diagnosing myself on google [V]

11-07-06, 10:22
Hi Jenny, I have BPPV, I am Ok now, I get the occasional dizzy spell but i have seen a balance therapist and have exercises i do so I'm off meds for it. I've had BPPV for 20 years and I'm still here, so don't panic. Oh and by the way, i was not dizzy for the whole of the 20 years so don't panic.

Take care

'This too will pass'

11-07-06, 13:31
just to let you know when my anxiety first started i was feeling a little dizzy and developed tension headaches which went on for days...so i convinced myself i had a tumour even though my gp assurred me otherwise...i didnt listen and went private for a mri scan..at the initial consultation the neurologist said to me noway did i have a brain tumour and that his career was on the line for saying so.....but wanted me to have an mri to prove it...that was on a sunday and went back on the tuesday for the results when he told me my scan was crystal clear...
i nearly worried myself to death in them few days and made myself feel so ill..
you know you will be fine and anyway if they had found anything you would have found out by now
good luck and take care