View Full Version : so anxious all the time right now

28-05-12, 13:56
last week life was going so so well. oddly enough i thought it was going really well and wondered what would happen if something went wrong. i was confident i could meet any challenge head on and it wouldn't worry me but i was wrong.
on thursday i told a kid off for throwing stones at my 8 year old daughter and his mother started screaming and threatening me and even tried to punch me. i reported the incident to the police and they agreed not to visit her unless anything else happens but i've been in a heightened state of anxiety every since.
i have ocd and i'm waiting for this to kick off because of the general anxiety.
my husband is bi-polar and he's in a worse state than i am at the moment - not sleeping at night, stomach problems etc. i also had some really bad news on friday night but i can't tell my husband about it as he just won't be able to cope with it. my grown up daughter knows about the news, so i've shared with someone but it still keeps hitting me like a brick in the face.
i wish there was a pill we could both take to make the feelings of fear go away, but then i guess that's what everyone on here wishes for at one time or another.
nobody need reply to my post - i'm putting it on the board so i can see my feelings for myself and hopefully look back at this post in the future and wonder what on earth i was scared of.
losin xxxxxx:scared10::sofa::secret:

28-05-12, 14:16
how awful some people are, ref the mother threatening you... i had similar experience few years ago, where i used to live, the mothers used to park all around our road to access the school, and one used to frequently block my driveway!!, she tried to intimidate me when i approached her about it, however not being scared of confrontation, i think she ended up being more scared than me! i dont suffer fools lightly....
still you shouldnt have to be subject to abuse like that.. and suffering anx it will affect you more.. try to keep your distance from her if you can...
as for the bad news you had, you should try and talk with your husband, keeping this to yourself is probably adding to your anxiety...xx

29-05-12, 08:48
thanks for the advice.
hubby had a word with the grandmother at the house as the kid was bullying our son and his friend yesterday. she was very half-arsed about the whole thing but said she'd keep and eye on him. i'm not holding my breath :lac:
just hearing the kid's voice sets off a panic attack and it's doing the same to my husband. it's a shame as we have lovely neighbours all around us except for this one crazy family.
last night i wasn't too bad but this morning my levels are back up to around a 7 again for no good reason. :shrug: