View Full Version : Feeling like I'm going to faint.

28-05-12, 14:21
Hi everybody. Thought I would just share my experience with you all. I changed my job about three months ago doing something that I had done for 12 and a half years and then changing jobs to a career I have a passion for First Aid.
I travel all around the uk delivering courses in all aspects of first aid. I would say I am very confident person usually who has had a past of depression and anxiety. However several weeks into my job I started with dizzy spells whilst training, never thought much about them to begin with worried me a bit as I thought I might faint in front of up to 16 people.
As the weeks have one by i Have had several more episodes of this faint feeling, I know I won't faint as my pulse is so strong and heart seems to be bounding. Slowly I'm finding it difficult travel over the past week been having panic attacks and afraid to even walk around the supermarket or town on my own it's crazy.
Seen my GP this morning had a chat with him how I was feeling and he seems to think anxiety creeping back in again, im back on sertraline 50 mg to start with. My question to anybody reading this is are you a teacher/ trainer or had a job that's involved giving presentations and is this a symptom you have ever come across in your personal experience. I have had times in the past when I have tried to avoid supermarkets or busy areas because I feel my legs won't work and I'm floating and feel dizzy. M :shrug:

Thanks for reading

28-05-12, 14:34
Just to confirm one thing for you, anxiety causes blood pressure to rise, therefore you cant faint.... its low blood pressure that causes fainting.

30-05-12, 18:32
Can anybody else relate to my problem please.

31-05-12, 12:19
Yes, I was wondering the same thing, when i'm in an anxious/panic state i get dizzy/faint feeling, it's a horrible feeling as i have health anxiety about my heart so i automatically think something is wrong! But like you my pulse is always fast so i know i won't faint! I also have a wierd feeling of dread/doom like i need to get home quick, it's awful! Im on meds to help with the racing heart and i have tried sertraline which did help but i got horrible side effects so i had to come off it.


31-05-12, 19:34
I've had everything you have described on and off for over 3 years now...and I've had loads of tests - all normal! When my anxiety is high, I start feeling hot, dizzy, pulse goes crazy and I swear I'm just going to drop then and there. Somehow I always manage to walk out of the store or wherever I am, get in the car and come back home. Once I'm home the feelings begin to subside so I know it has to be anxiety related. The more we fear these sensations, the more frequently they appear. Please be assured that is a very common feeling to have when suffering from an anxiety disorder.

01-06-12, 11:13
I've been suffering with these dizzy symptoms now for months & have just recently in the last few weeks started to get the faint feeling, my GP thinks its my anxiety but I'm also under investigation with ENT for my ears/balance disorder & the Neurologist for other things purely as the GP said she wants to put my mind at rest that there is nothing wrong with me physically, I'm clinging onto that thought at the moment & just try to relax and breathe through these episodes although mine seem to be there literally constantly all day & even when I wake in the night so I'm not sure ??
Just wanted you to know you aren't alone x