View Full Version : Im deaf in one Ear!

Two heads
11-07-06, 10:04
I woke up at 5oclock this morning to find i was deaf in one ear.I have a load noise in my ear all so.It has really scared me because i have never suffered with my ears befor now.It just seems at the moment my body is falling apart and its really getting me down.I truned 30 last year and it really has been all down hill from there regarding my mind and body!
I couldet help think my ear drum may have burst,i hope not !!xx

11-07-06, 10:09
Hi Two Heads,

Me too!! I woke up last week totally deaf in one ear, with lots of ringing in the ear. It's really weird isn't it.

Funnily enough, I'm off to the docs in a minute to have my ear syringed (had to wait a week for the appointment). It's almost certainly just a build up of wax, so try not to worry too much. Get along to the docs and you'll soon be hearing again (oh and try not to poke around in your own ear to get it working again - you'll make it worse!).

Eeb xx

11-07-06, 10:09
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">I woke up at 5oclock this morning to find i was deaf in one ear.I have a load noise in my ear all so.It has really scared me because i have never suffered with my ears befor now.It just seems at the moment my body is falling apart and its really getting me down.I truned 30 last year and it really has been all down hill from there regarding my mind and body!
I couldet help think my ear drum may have burst,i hope not !!xx

<div align="right">Originally posted by Two heads - 11 July 2006 : 11:04:30</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

my husband is suffering with this right now - he think's its stress related.

I'm sure it's not your ear drum. These normally only rupture if you have a bad ear infection (which I've had for the past 4 weeks) - and mine hasn't ruptured.

You'll probably find it'll disappear as quickly as it appeared.

Two heads
11-07-06, 10:17
Thankyou so much jenny and Eeb for your kind replys.I have booked an appointment to see a doctor at 10.30.I was so worryied this mor i even phoned emergency doc.I do hope it is just wax Eeb.It does sound the same as your ear problem.
I dont think i could be brave enough to put up with it for a week.It just makes you think about all those poor deaf people out there putting up with it all the time.xxxxxxxx

Two heads
11-07-06, 11:38
Well i just got back from doc and i dont feel very happy!He said there is no wax in my ears.He tested them and said the ear is working from the back part but thinks the middal of the ear could be block with fluid.He said the ear drum looked undamage.He asked me if i had been anywhere noisey,which i havet.And that made me worry even more because now i thinking it really is a burst ear drum.xx

11-07-06, 11:50
Your doctor doesn't sound very sympathetic does he? It's true there could be fluid in the middle ear - does your ear feel "full"? If so you could have infection and the fullness is caused by mucus - I thought he may have prescribed anti-biotics. Plus you don't need to have had a cold either to get the mucus - mine came on suddenly and I haven't had a cold for years. Can you go back and see another doctor? You could also asked to be referred to an ENT. Don't worry about a ruptured ear drum as he would've noticed this when looking in your ears. Besides if it had ruptured, it would soon heal in a few weeks, but as I said, your doctor would've noticed.

11-07-06, 17:11
Hiya - I have had a deaf left ear for a year now - same as you - dr checked for wax and syringed but nothing - he said I have glue ear (im 46!!!!!!!!!!!!) like kids have and I could have a grommet but I decided to put up with it but its very funny at work when people have to walk round to my right ear to speak to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I also get weird noises int hat ear and crackles but I ignore it and just think - well at least its not serious and I love music loud so I just ignore it really. love wenjoy x

Two heads
11-07-06, 17:38
Sorry jenny my doc did give me anti-biotics hun.He said it could be fluid in the middal part of ear.It feels a bit like when you are on a plane and your ear gets blocked and there a loud mmm noise,if that makes any sense!
I dont think i could be as brave as you wenjoy,how do you do it.Everyone is having to shout at me and im shouting at them and i just hate it.I find the hole thing scarey.Thanks for replys they mean alot to be reasuredxxxxxx

11-07-06, 19:20
When it happened to me last week, I found that it had its advantages - especially in the supermarket where there were a few toddlers screaming at the top of their lungs!

Btw today the nurse told me to put drops in mine for 10 days before they can do anything (mine is blocked with wax - ewww), so it looks like we'll all be deaf together this week...

Eeb x

Two heads
11-07-06, 21:21
Lol, i known what you mean Eeb!I have a 13month old girl and i can hardly here the moaning at all.And i think my seven year old has given up talking to me today.What made the hole thing worse was its his brithday to day and i felt like i had ruied it for him frist thing this mor as i was so upset.
glad your getting yours sorted hun.I hope you feel better soon!
Let us deaf people stick to together lol!xxxxxxxxxxxx

polly daydream
11-07-06, 21:31
Hi Two heads, poor you, I woke up death about three months ago and was very dizzy with it, luckly it was just wax, I suffer with my ears quite alot and its horrible. I'm sure it is only an ear infection that you have, nothing serious so don't worry hun.

Let us know how you are getting on,

Polly x

Two heads
11-07-06, 21:41
Thanks polly for your kind reply.Its just so worrying isnt it when these things happen out of the blue.I keep thinking well how could i have an infection when i havet been swimmig all anything to get one?
The gremlin is trying to come out tonight,by saying its not an ear infection its something really horrible wrong in your ear!Nearly went into panick.I caut even hear Big brother tonight,the tones hurt my ears.xxxxxxxxxx

polly daydream
11-07-06, 22:06
Oh bless you, give the antibiotics time too work, they usually kick in about three days after you start to take them. Make sure you take the whole course, even if it starts to feel better after a few days.

Polly xx

12-07-06, 08:23
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Sorry jenny my doc did give me anti-biotics hun.He said it could be fluid in the middal part of ear.It feels a bit like when you are on a plane and your ear gets blocked and there a loud mmm noise,if that makes any sense!</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

oh sorry, didn't realise you had tablets to take. When you get fluid in the middle ear, it prevents the ear drum from doing it's job, hence the feeling you're getting (blocked). If there is an infection the AB should clear it up but sometimes the fluid gets left behind (as what's happened to Wenjoy), then they put grommets in your ears to drain them. I'm sure you'll be fine.

Two heads
12-07-06, 09:31
It my thought jenny didnt mention them!
Thanks for your replys its great to have people making me more reasured.I known im probarly getting on everyones nerves by now but i just caut help think this terrible noise is here to stay!
I just caut here a word anyone is saying.My hubby thinks my other ear is not at it best anyway so that doesnt help.I have thought well if i do need groments then how long will i have to wait for them..I have no l;ife when im like this.Sorry again for moaning when there are people alot worse out there.xxxxxxxx

12-07-06, 09:52
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">It my thought jenny didnt mention them!
Thanks for your replys its great to have people making me more reasured.I known im probarly getting on everyones nerves by now but i just caut help think this terrible noise is here to stay!
I just caut here a word anyone is saying.My hubby thinks my other ear is not at it best anyway so that doesnt help.I have thought well if i do need groments then how long will i have to wait for them..I have no l;ife when im like this.Sorry again for moaning when there are people alot worse out there.xxxxxxxx

<div align="right">Originally posted by Two heads - 12 July 2006 : 10:31:57</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

i've just finished my 3rd course of anti-biotics and am now being referred to an ENT specialist and go this Friday.

Take all your tablets and see how you feel in a week's time. If you're no better, go back to the doctors. He may give you another type of anti-biotic or perhaps you could then ask to be referred?

Two heads
12-07-06, 10:09
Owe you sound like your really suffering to jenny!
I do hope it all works out for you.
I will take your advice and take all the tablets and see how it goes.

12-07-06, 10:46
Hi, I don't know if this will help you (and anyone else with ear problems) but have you heard of Hopi Ear Candles?

I am a qualified therapist and I am finding they are excellent for loads of things - removal of wax, clearing of blocked sinuses, relief for headaches and even migraines, stress relief, relaxation, glue ear .....

I always check the ear with an otoscope before starting treatment and even when there is no wax visible you would be amazed by the amount of wax we get out after a treatment!

It's a very easy treatment to give - I know I should recommend that you always go to a qualified therapist as it's my living!, but to be honest you could get anyone sensible to give you a treatment. Sometimes I suggest to my clients that they bring someone with them on their first treatment and I demonstrate how to do it at home. I just appreciate it can be very expensive trying out these therapies and no guarantee they work, and I do believe this is one you can try at home as it is so gentle but effective. You can buy candles in pairs, 5 pairs, 10 pairs and so on. The more you buy, the cheaper they are. I would suggest anyone who wants to try them purchases 5 pairs which is about £25. I charge £12 per treatment for anyone who comes to me, but I think I am quite "cheap" - I know of someone who paid £35 for it to be done at a Spa.

If you want any advice on how to do them, where to buy them at a good price, etc, please PM or email me and I'm more than happy to help.


ps: If you do try Hopi candles at home, make sure you always treat BOTH ears, even if you are only having problems with one!

Two heads
12-07-06, 15:51
They sound like a great help caroline!
Thankyou it sounds like they might be worth a bash.Ive noticed today that every time im in the room with the telly it makes even stranger noise.Like theres a wave all something.I have been having problems with my sinuses over the last six months so maybe its all connected!xxx

Two heads
13-07-06, 20:10
Well i woke up deaf still this mor,but i think i could hear my little girls music in her room tonight couldet hear that last night!
Still got terrible noise in ear.
Hopefully im on the mend.xxx

polly daydream
14-07-06, 00:27
That's great news Two Heads, you could soon have your hearing back.

Take care,

Polly x

Two heads
14-07-06, 19:24
Still deaf but i must say it can be quite useful at times,lolxx