View Full Version : off to the theatre with my perfect sisters and feeling sick

28-05-12, 17:47
Have come to the horrible realisation that my family give me anxiety. they are just all so sodding perfect and I just can't measure up.

I am still at work and due to leave in a minute to meet them in the West End and I feel sick. That old classic don't want to go/do want to go. I know I will go, but i am sick of feeling sick every time I do anything. I just don't enjoy anything and yet this should be really good because we've been given free tickets to see "Top Hat". My mum is super excited and I'm sitting here dragging my feet feeling crappy. bleugh.

28-05-12, 19:34
I really feel for you I know it sucks not being able to enjoy normal things because anxiety gets in the way. By now you'll be there so I really hope you're able to enjoy some of the show.
As for your family being perfect, nobody is perfect and you are loved and valued just because of who you are not for 'measuring up'
Best wishes