View Full Version : Help with old fears

28-05-12, 20:04
Hi everyone, my bad thoughts and anxiety are getting increasingly worse! It's been a long time since i have felt this way and I'm struggling to cope! All my old techniques and brushing it off are getting harder to put to action and I'm finding myself letting the horrible thoughts in and feeding the fear.
I have been on citralopram on and off for years Iv just finished my first year of uni, something I would have never seen possible a few years ago. My medication was recently put down to 10mg. So why now? Why is this happening again?
Any advice would be much appreciate :)

28-05-12, 20:11
Perhaps you were not ready to reduce your Citalopram? Seems a coincidence your old feelings are resurfacing as your dose was lowered?


28-05-12, 20:16
Hi wishfullthinker

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

28-05-12, 20:22
Hi Steve, I'm just so worried I am going back in time! That frightens me silly.
I was thinking about seeing doctor about cognitive behaviour therapy again, then I think that's going back also. Can't win

28-05-12, 21:20
People have relapses, that's normal. You then do whatever it takes to get back on track, don't think your a failure or your going backwards thats all part of the old negative thoughts re-surfacing.

What helped you in the past, did the CBT help? If so a refresher course may be of good use.

I would chat with your doc about your medication. 10 mg may not be enough or maybe a switch of meds may help. The longer you suffer from these problems the longer the treatment usually needs to be used. I have in the past come off my Citalopram too early and have had several relapses. This time i'm gonna try a year minimum and see how I go?

You have come to the right place for support,


28-05-12, 21:49
Hi are you under pressure with exams ? x

29-05-12, 07:22
Hell yeah. I even have nightmares about failing or missing the exams. Tough break.

29-05-12, 10:18
That would be enough to make you slip back, you have a lot on your mind. I know what you mean for many years after i finished education i had dreams that i hadnt read one of the essential books and only realised when i opened the exam paper lol

30-05-12, 10:13
Hi Steve yeah I think I will go back to doctors and just see what's for the best. Having relapses always knocks me back and I forget all the progress I have made. The cbt did help but it was 7 years ago now so think I'm going to ask and possibly have my medication put up. Every time I'm close to coming off it feels I go back. Just not going to let myself. Thanks for the advice and your right it's nice to know your not alone with this. Rockydog I have had my exams now but yeah it brought a lot of stress. I think what's effecting me so much is because I have stopped the work and my mind is over thinking old worries because I now find myself bored, with too much time on my hands.
Just wish could stop letting things get to me, thanks for your help! Doctors appointment I think I need to make
Thanks again