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View Full Version : Anxious about flying

28-05-12, 20:34
Hi, I haven't been on a plane since 2006, and even then I was always really anxious. Ive never not flown because I don't want to miss out on nice holidays abroad.

I have booked a holiday for september (for me, husband and son) and it will be my son who is nearly 4, first time on a plane so I really don't want to be scared in front of him incase is makes him anxious too. Any help or recommendations very much appreciated,

eternally optimistic
28-05-12, 21:42

2006 was the last time I flew and like you, I have booked a family holiday for August. I am, at the moment, excited. (EXCITEMENT IS SOMETHING

I am not going to be totally brave but, in the next month or so, try get a prescription of valium to get me there and back.

Lots of people have posted previously that with the aid of books to read, music to soothe and various other avoidance things can get you through.

I wish you lots and lots of luck and fun on holiday - you will be fine and it, will be great.


29-05-12, 13:57
I haven't flown for four years - choosing holidays in the UK to avoid flying. However after completing an anxiety course a few months ago I was feeling confident and decided to book a holiday further afield and fly again, now its only a few days until we go :scared15: and I'm wondering how I am going to react on the plane. I'll have my kids with me so will have to put a brave face on which helps but inside I will be a nervous wreck, especially when the plane revs up ready for take off :scared15::scared15:. The last few times I have flown I cried at take off but have worn sunglasses so nobody could see. This time I'm determined to 'put my big girl panties on and deal with it' as the saying goes. Failing that I'll order a large gin and tonic!

29-05-12, 14:10
I have never flown in my life, It is'nt because i'm frightenend of flying.
We(me and hubby) have never had the oppotunity, because of family comitments.
I would like the experiance of flying---- as we are getting on in life---soooo we have booked a holiday to Jersey. going in August. I am so excited.
I have got my tranquilizers ready.:ohmy:xx

29-05-12, 15:55
I have never flown in my life, It is'nt because i'm frightenend of flying.
We(me and hubby) have never had the oppotunity, because of family comitments.
I would like the experiance of flying---- as we are getting on in life---soooo we have booked a holiday to Jersey. going in August. I am so excited.
I have got my tranquilizers ready.:ohmy:xx

Good luck Magic! Jersey is brilliant.

---------- Post added at 15:55 ---------- Previous post was at 15:51 ----------

I have a flying phobia. I haven't been on a plane since the 80's. It was only a pleasure flight in Cornwall.

One day, I would love to have the courage to fly on a domestic flight, in the UK.

The waiting around would make my anx worse, plus when the plane sets off.

29-05-12, 17:05
Hey I totally hate flying! I do it because I want me and my sons to have nice holidays, but it's so hard to be brave and 'normal' in front of them. So I went to my gp and she gave me some Diazepam and I tell you they worked. I had never had them before and they were great. They didn't knock me out either, I could still function perfectly normal I was just very relaxed.
When I haven't had Diazepam I have had a beer in the airport and a couple on the plane. I'm not suggesting you do this though.

29-05-12, 18:36
Thanx Ju an,
Will let you know how I get on xx
Praps I will not like it but at least I will have tryed it:ohmy:xx

No I won't be drinking any alcohol,does not suit me ,Good Luck to you for future journies xx

29-05-12, 18:39
Hi, I used to fear flying also. That was until i actually got on a plane, what a rush!! I surprised myself by absolutely enjoying the whole experience! And i've had holidays which i can say have changed my life as a result. I try to remember that there are thousands of flights every day all over the world and there are rarely any problems. The safest way to travel! Have a great holiday, HCK80!

eternally optimistic
29-05-12, 19:52
Some good advice and nice stories here...

shotokansho - did the valium make you feel "weird"? I want to get
a prescription for this and dont want to feel worse than I will without (although
I dont think that is possible)?

magic - have a fab holiday, hopefully we will both be saying our trips were a success. Bon voyage.

29-05-12, 19:59
Thank you for all your lovely replies, it's all really helpful. The scariest part for me is taking off so am hoping that this time once we have levelled out then I will be ok

Think I may try the diazepam, are there any bad side effects? (another of my anxiety worries is tablets with bad side affects, but am actually rather willing to try this)