View Full Version : At home on my own until Saturday, it feels weird. any advice?

28-05-12, 21:35
I'm basically staying on my own as my dad is away until Saturday. I suffer from anxiety and I didn't think I could cope, but I've gone 2 days on my own so far. It's going okay, but I still have this feeling that if I have a panic attack or feel unwell, that no one's here for me to rely on.

Can you give any advice?

28-05-12, 21:51
You are doing great so far and I hope the rest of the week goes well. You always have this forum to turn to if needed and I take it you can contact your Dad by phone?

If you do feel panicky just remember no harm will come to you and just let it happen and wash over you and it will pass.

Keep up the good work,


28-05-12, 21:54
Hi Mark

Firstly....Well done and you CAN do this.

I used to feel like this when i was younger so i know where you are coming from hun.

Make a small list of phone numbers, people you could call if you feel anxious. Chances are, you won't need to call but having the numbers there is reassuring.

Try to have some fun. Even if it's watching some good movies with junk food or chatting to friends online, do something that relaxes you and stops you being bored.

Try to remember though that nothing bad is going to happen to you and this experience will make you stronger and more confident.

Remember we are here for you too ok.

You'll be fine


28-05-12, 22:52
I too struggle with this and know it's not easy. But the main thing is you've done a couple of days, which is brilliant! Like Lisa said, have some numbers nearby. I often have "backups" that I rarely need to use button it's reassuring. Keep busy and focus on the end. You can do this, you'll feel amazing when you've done it! We're all behind you, you're not alone. :-)

29-05-12, 21:55
Well done on coping so far :) it's not easy on your own - I live alone so know how it feels. Good advice about having numbers in your phone - friends you can ring or text. It's also a good idea to have a little plan for your day - like maybe planning to read for a bit in afternoon or watch a film at night or whatever - so the day's not this long stretch of time where you're not sure what you're going to do.

29-05-12, 22:00
Firstly, if you panic or are unwell you can come on here for some reassurance:hugs:

If i'm ever home alone I get very upset and anxious too but I find having lots of distractions help. Good comfort tv is a must, i have the tv on constantly if i'm on my own as the silence is awful for panic.
Try and find some things to do, maybe get some puzzle books, magazines, books, dvds ect

Andlike RB says, if there if you have any friends or family to talk to or txt then do that too.


30-05-12, 02:35
Hey, I'm in the same boat. I live with my fiance, who really is my rock with this anxiety stuff, but this morning he left for a business trip for a week. Then he is back for a week, and then gone another week. I always have trouble sleeping and relaxing when he is away, as well as with dealing with anxiety triggers. First few days are the worst and then I will get more used to it I hope ...

My strategy is to keep busy, exercise so that I will be tired, and plan stuff for when I am not working. I have planned a night out with friends this weekend.

The tough thing is that my fiance is the only one I have been totally open and honest with about my anxieties (besides my therapist) ... but I have therapy tomorrow, so that's good.