View Full Version : Dealing with hot weather ?

29-05-12, 00:25
Ok so the hot weather is here and as I can see a lot of us are having problems with it and panicking a lot as I am myself

Hard to breath

But how can we fix this I just want to know how everyone is dealing with the hot weather Im having it abit hard at the minute I was at a truck show all day Sunday and my face only was burnt to a crimp you wouldn't believe what I look like so I'm very anxious about it and panicky thinking sun stroke :lac:

Allso I work in a office all through the week with no airconditioning and it is very hard when it gets hot in the office to even try and concentrate witch automatically outs me into a panick.

So please share how are you all dealing with this Thank you :hugs:

Patrick Michael
29-05-12, 07:52
hot weather ? Not sure i'm dealing with it too well either ! Go out and feel that crinkling on my scalp as my head starts to burn - back indoors and can't work up the enthusiasm to go out again. Stuck indoors witht he telly. God - there has to be more to life than this. Angry and frustrated with myself that i am not getting out there