View Full Version : morning panics

11-07-06, 11:40

Does anyone else suffer panic attacks first thing in the morning.
Its like a fear of getting up in the morning. over the past couple of days my panic attacks have been more severe. I feel like i am going round in circles i seem to get them under control and then they take me over again.


11-07-06, 11:48
I'm really sorry to hear that welsh_scared, although I don't suffer in the same way (eg first thing) I do understand how debilitating they are.
Might sound stupid but can you think of anything in particular that may have triggered them & led them to be more severe over last couple of days?
Best wishes
B Wolf


11-07-06, 14:48
I always feel a little disconnected to reality until lunch time. But it's the absolute worst first thing in the morning and then the despair that I'll never get better sneaks in. My best rememdy is to get busy as soon as I wake up. It always gets better and I know from experience that once I get my anxieties under control, my mornings will be better too.

11-07-06, 16:05

I do sometimes get panic attacks in the morning, not sure why. Has anything happened recently that may have made you have panic attacks in the morning? Its just a slight blip probably, you will be back on your feet in no time. [^] Just keep being positive.

x x

11-07-06, 17:24
I've been finding that anxiety is often worst in the morning, and this is often triggered by a dream that I've just had. Even if I can't remember the dream I wonder if this is the reason I wake up full of anxiety that day. Anyone else find this is true for them?

11-07-06, 17:43
i have quiet often woken up having a panic attack or feeling really anxious. i often wondered if it was a reaction to either a stressful day the day before, a bad dream or because of knowing i'd got to get up and face the day.

11-07-06, 18:22
Hi there, I can really relate to this, what an awful way to start the day! Try not to go to bed thinking that you will wake up feeling bad. When you first wake, get moving as soon as you can, make sure you eat a little something, maybe try to change your routine, if that is possible. Things will gradually improve but it is quite hard to change our thoughts. take care and keep in touch. x

11-07-06, 22:08

I do identify - much worse in the mornings - its as if I wake up and then suddenly remember to be frightened. For what its worth - I get up and make chamomile tea - feels really hard work but moving is definitely better if I can do it - then I try really hard to do 10 minutes meditation - not easy! - then I get quickly dressed and go for a walk - about a mile usually and quite fast - I'm better outside as I have claustrophobia - but it does help to settle me - and then as the day goes on I improve. Its good if I see people too - just helps to do ordinary things like say good morning!
