View Full Version : How Long For Flu. to get out of System

29-05-12, 01:49
In my Doctor's wisdom, he decided to change me from Mirtazapine 15mg to Flu 20mg. After a week of excruciating nausea, he conceded defeat and let me go back to Mirt.

I've not had a Flu cap for 10 days and I still feel nauseous. Maxolon is useless but taking ½ Ativan 1mg helps.

How long before the effects of the Flu. wear off? I have been unwell for over 9 months before I was diagnosed with Coeliac Disease and I so want to be feeling well again.

My husband has my permission to gaffa tape my mouth if I come home with anymore pills! :roflmao::roflmao:

29-05-12, 23:34
Answered my own question on another forum and it sucks....

"Accumulation and Slow Elimination — The relatively slow elimination of fluoxetine (elimination half-life of 1 to 3 days after acute administration and 4 to 6 days after chronic administration) and its active metabolite, norfluoxetine (elimination half-life of 4 to 16 days after acute and chronic administration), leads to significant accumulation of these active species in chronic use and delayed attainment of steady state, even when a fixed dose is used [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. After 30 days of dosing at 40 mg/day, plasma concentrations of fluoxetine in the range of 91 to 302 ng/mL and norfluoxetine in the range of 72 to 258 ng/mL have been observed. Plasma concentrations of fluoxetine were higher than those predicted by single-dose studies, because fluoxetine's metabolism is not proportional to dose. Norfluoxetine, however, appears to have linear pharmacokinetics. Its mean terminal half-life after a single dose was 8.6 days and after multiple dosing was 9.3 days. Steady-state levels after prolonged dosing are similar to levels seen at 4 to 5 weeks."

I had a gut feeling when he prescribed it that I shouldn't touch it with a barge pole!

Day 10 from my last Flu and I still feel sick......

29-05-12, 23:46
I stopped Prozac without tapering off it and felt a bit worse for about 2 weeks then was ok again.

03-06-12, 06:19
I stopped Prozac without tapering off it and felt a bit worse for about 2 weeks then was ok again.

I'm coming up on my two weeks and still there's this low-level nausea that really puts a dampener on things. So wished I hadn't taken it.

I've been struggling getting my health back after being diagnosed with Coeliac Disease and was just starting to feel good after almost 12 months, now this bloody Prozac has put me back.....geez!

04-06-12, 03:11
This is week 3 since stopping the Flu. I'm taking 15mg of Mirt. a night to help with sleep but now I don't know whether the 'sick' feeling I'm having is anxiety related or Flu. related.

04-06-12, 03:51
Ginger is very good for nausea well you are trying to get over the flu and med. interruptions. It will not hurt you at all either. Not med.advice just a natural spice that helps.