View Full Version : Feel like a ball wedged in my left rib

29-05-12, 09:22
The past wk I feel like I've got something stuck in my left rib at the top not sure if its bowel or actual stomach. It's almost like a need a huge burp or fart that I can't move.. I'm going to the loo everyday. I get this a lot and it lasts wks. Last year I had a colonoscopy & endoscopy both normal.


Lele x

31-05-12, 16:31
Maybe you have IBS? You could try and watch what you eat and see what happens then. I'm sure it's nothing seeing as you've had tests that have come back normal :)

02-06-12, 10:34
It's just awful I literally feel like there a bowling ball wedged in there. I can't bare it. It's been wks & it's not moved! My tests were normal but what if there's a tumour on the outside of my bowel or something. Or a tumour growing in my stomach putting pressure on this area..

Lele x

10-07-12, 14:54