View Full Version : 2 weeks on my upped dose!

jenny kilden
29-05-12, 10:55
hey all-
i had a panic attack at the beginning of april and it spiralled into anxiety disorder and a small bit of depression thrown in for good measure, the doc put me on 10mg of citalopram and was taking that for 5 weeks - and i can honestly say i felt awful ! i had every side effect going - sleepiness nights, chatterbox talking rubbish, shakes, sweating, nauseous, no appetite - lost a stone!!, anxious, depressed, many of times i felt like this is now my life and il never get better - i was breaking down in tears nearly everyday sobbing!! i had all these side effects for 4 weeks - the doc put me up to 20mg after 5 weeks, and lo and behold - yup - more side effects - nauseous every morning and crying again, and the shakes.
but............ finally after 2 weeks on the 20mg - i have finally today woke up and feel ok!! no nausea!! and no chatter box!! feeling good - we even went to great yarmouth the weekend with our 2 children , which was really nice - didn't feel anxious at all - just the nauseous in the mornings ( well the nausea started as soon as i opened my eyes until about 6 in the evening) but i battled through - and here i am!!

so to anyone out there who is struggling on the meds - stick with it - it is awful - trust me i know! but it does eventually get better.
onwards and upwards for me x