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View Full Version : need some help on diazepam.

29-05-12, 14:45
hi thanks for taking the time to read.
doc has gave me 2mg of diazepam. but im so scared of takin it i do not take any tab or even drink. i have had anxiety for about 6years i have been able to hold it back but the last few weeks have been bad n i cant hold them no more. i cant even leave my house nomore. what im gettin at is i cant bring my self to take this dam tab i feel dum about it so plz dnt judge. how do they make u feel? will they hurt me? will i still feel myself? do they take away the symptoms? do they help?... just worryed i guess but want my life back. i just have read alot of bad stuff about these.
thanks all 4 readin

29-05-12, 15:11

I am too like you, I get more anxious at the thought of taking ANYTHING. However, in the new year I had my worst anxiety & panics ever & they just wouldn't go. The doctor prescribed me about 12 diazepam at 10mg. As I was so desperate I took them. Obviously 10mg is much stronger than you have & they did help, but made me very sleepy. I know they don't get prescribed for long periods as they are addictive and I can see why as they just basically 'chill' you out, but I took all of mine when needed and didn't need anymore.
Honestly, to put your mind at ease, I truly am one of the worst at taking pills but these were fine. Prob because I was feeling so bad anyway, I didn't have much to lose, but they helped me at lot.
Hope this helps.

---------- Post added at 14:11 ---------- Previous post was at 14:07 ----------

Sorry, can I just add that as I finished the diazepam I was then put onto other anti depressants which I am now coming off of. I surprised myself that I took those too as I've put taking anything off for years! So just wanted to say that diazepam are not a long term solution but will help you 'get a grip' on things if you know what I mean.

29-05-12, 15:16
thanks saffycat.. i just wish i could take it lol.. just that WHAT IF WORD LOL.

29-05-12, 15:41
thay work- if your worrying just take half of one
god bless

29-05-12, 15:50
yeah was think that but still scared i have not feelin myself if u no what i mean. ps i ant worryed about taken half or full just the hold thought about taken a tab

29-05-12, 18:52
I totally understand and the prob is, as you are so anxious about taking them you might end up feeling more stressed if you take it. That's me! It was only because it wasn't just bad anxiety at the time for me, I was having one panic attack after the other and basically couldn't function even to take my boys to school which I'd never had a problem with before, so that's the only reason I was able to take them as I really couldn't feel any worse. So, you know no one can talk you into taking something when you feel so unsure of it, I'm the same. Whenever I've tried to take anything before I've managed to just work myself up to feeling worse than I was before....oh it's so bad isn't it? We have to laugh at ourselves otherwise I'd drive myself bonkers!
You know what? Previously when I've been prescribed anti depressants and not been able to take them, I've then started to feel a bit stronger as if I think well if I'm not going to take anything, I've got to do it myself!
It was only as I described above made me take something this time round.
You will know when you need to take them, but as I can't even take codeine & other strong painkillers & I managed to take the diazepam and actually feel calm on them says something. Wow, sorry I've gone on....
Good luck, whatever you do! :)

29-05-12, 18:55
Hi, i had the same worries, especially as i suffer from depersonalisation which is awful. I can honestly say i had no problems with them and they worked for me. I only took them as a short term remedy, though. Hope this helps and good luck with whatever decision you make.

30-05-12, 01:37
yes i get alot more anxious about taken them to the point a have a attack is sucks. i no i need them. i hate beenin stuck at home all the time

---------- Post added at 10:07 ---------- Previous post was at 10:03 ----------

n one more thing if they work as good as people say they do n when they stop me as im only on them for 2weeks i no i will go back to the hole im in now

30-05-12, 11:53
when they stop me as im only on them for 2weeks i no i will go back to the hole im in now

That is why getting over your fears should be a multi-prong approach using primarily anti-anxiety meds and talk therapy.

The Diazapam is is for short term relief of extreme anxiety. It just gives your frazzled brain a rest for a few hours. You will still have the problems worrying you after the Diazapam wears off so they need to be addressed in other ways.

I'm not certain on this point but just by doing the two week course of Diazapam may on it's own help you by allowing your brain to heal by breaking the cycle of worry?

I do know though that using Diazapam as a supplementary helper while primarily using SSRI's and CBT to treat the cause of my problems has worked well for me.


30-05-12, 13:26
yeah i no what u mean. n the doc's ant pullin me on any anti depressants

blue moon
30-05-12, 13:37
Hi josh just close your eyes and pretend it is a Tic tac.....lol at 2mg it will just take the edge off take it now and you should be able to relax enough to go to sleep.I take 5mg maybe I might have one now.......
Love Petra x:D

30-05-12, 14:20
i can sleep. its just its there from when i wake up intill i go ta sleep

30-05-12, 15:41
The tablet won't do you any harm, 2mg will take the edge off the anxiety - that is it.

If the anxiety was hounding you, you would take the tablet.

30-05-12, 16:05
trust me it is hounding me but i hate not feelin myself n no what im doin

30-05-12, 16:18
Take a 4th of the tablet. You shouldn't feel anything from it.
Realize that you may induce symptoms by being anxious.
It's not caused by the tablet but by worry .

Then tthe next day take half.
You should notice you feel sleepy .
You will still get anxious thoughts but you're too sleepy to care.
Not very sleepy , more like comfotable , relaxed sensation .

I personally notice after 12 hours I can feel a bit anxious because the meds are out of my system by then .

I also notice , only off the meds, that when I was on the meds my senses were slightly dulled. I guess a bit like when you have one drink of alcohol .

Have you ever taken strong pain killers?
Like codeine ?
It's a bit like that I guess. I always noticed that I felt oddly calm on certain painkillers.

You won't feel like you're drugged, or not in controle.
You won't feel any different except for feeling relaxed and sleepy.
You might even miss the anxiety as you get so used to feeling it.

30-05-12, 16:33
hi thanks for that only drug i did was weed about 10years ago no i even had a pain killer. how sleepy will i get i dnt want to just sleep all day i want to get out in this world.

---------- Post added at 01:03 ---------- Previous post was at 00:59 ----------

this may sound dum but i all was think im sceared to take it beacuse if it dnt work n i no i have not taken any but they feel like a safty net u no what i mean. n if n then the time come 2 take them what if they dont work

19-06-12, 19:26
the only way to find out they dont or do work is to try them. its up to you. your the only one that is stopping yourself.

they worked for me, and it was only 2mg, you dont sleep all day.

give them a try, there no harm in trying honest.

---------- Post added at 19:26 ---------- Previous post was at 19:25 ----------

i mean they dont make you sleep all day, just a nap. an hour or so. that about it.

25-06-12, 18:39
thanks all. im yet to take it but feelin alot better still stuck at home tho.

28-06-12, 12:23
Ive taken valium 2mg as required for over 20 years. I have always been anti tablets. and would suffer a blinding headache for hours rather than take a paracetamol. Then when I take one, the headache goes and I think why didnt I take the tablets at the beginging!!!!!!!

When I was prescribed the 2mg Valium I used to quarter it!!!! I was soooo scared to take it. A psychiatrist once laughed and told me I would be as well drinking a glass of plain tap water for all the effect one tablet 2mg of valium has on the body!!!!

So over 20 odd years I have very tentatively taken from a quarter to 6mg depending on my panic level. I gradually became agaraphobic. so the 6 mg was when I had to travel 20 miles from my home recently.

Valium DOES calm you down
It doesnt have any side effects
(except making you a bit sleepy -if you take 6mg. I dont find 2mg makes me sleepy and I think I am sensitive to all medications!!!)
It is designed to be taken regularly for a few weeks and a few weeks only
because the addictive qualities of the drug kick in after about 3 weeks usage and you need a stronger dose to get the same effect and so you have to be weened off them gradually. If you stopped them suddenly after taking a "course" of them you would just have a few days of major panic. thats all.

Having said that, for 20 odd years I have taken them 2mg only when I am going out. or something stressful has happened and as I say I try deep breathing, distractions etc first. So I only take a tab once or twice every couple of weeks.
The effects of valium works within 20 mins and last for 2-3 hours
but the drug stays in your body for 72hours (without any effect)
So I try not to take another so my body is completely clear of it.

The are a great drug for emergencies, and it is such a great shame that they are so highly addictive cos they would be the answer to many problems!!

01-07-12, 18:03
thans all. but i still cant take the dam thing. im just worryed about the side effects.

01-07-12, 18:57
Just take the dam tablet! Your PM's and annoying messages are getting beyond ridiculous. If you were really suffering you would take the stupid pills. You have had plenty of reassurance.

01-07-12, 21:16
If you don't want them post them to me Josh:winks:


02-07-12, 08:33
Hi Josh

I will give you my address too mate and you can post some on. :noangel: They really do work for anxiety but if it is causing you this much anxiety to take them then you should go back and see the G.P he might help.


02-07-12, 11:05
well i can go back n get ad's but we all no anxity only goin to get worst or take these. wish i could lol im just worryed about what happen lasttime

02-07-12, 11:12
Well Josh, I would take one like a shot, I'm climbing the walls. They wouldn't be sitting in my cupboard that's for sure.

I don't know what else anyone could say to help you, only see your doctor again.

Sorry this causes you so much distress.

13-07-12, 11:52
Just take the dam tablet! Your PM's and annoying messages are getting beyond ridiculous. If you were really suffering you would take the stupid pills. You have had plenty of reassurance.

If Josh is annoying you .Stop reading his posts and block him from messaging you .Theres no need to be so rude and nasty .Dan ..Sue :lac:

13-07-12, 13:28
If Josh is annoying you .Stop reading his posts and block him from messaging you .Theres no need to be so rude and nasty .Dan ..Sue :lac:

jog on, now we know why complaints are not taking seriously, with the likes of you answering them.

13-07-12, 13:40
Am I missing something here? What complaints?

13-07-12, 13:47
How dare you ..You rude vile little man .:mad:

13-07-12, 14:05
thans all. but i still cant take the dam thing. im just worryed about the side effects.

Yvonne PM'd me to clarify the situation. A bit of advice.

We all know anxiety is horrid, so firstly sorry for being so tough on you. Its always been me trying to convince the doctors to prescribe as opposed to the other way round.

I think the bottom line is that you will have to try and put the side effects to one side for a minute.

Yes diazepam can have side effects, but it is a tried a tested drug used for over 50 years. If it was dangerous or caused side effects people wouldn't want it, or use it.

I think if your anxiety is that bad you really have nothing else to try. Can I ask what you are scared off?

Maybe take the pill in the GP's surgery or have a friend with you. You will feel calmness.

Once your anxiety is reduced I really think it is time to start an a/d. Diazepam by all accounts isn't used best as a long term solution. A/d's can worsen anxiety hence diazepam first is a good option.

Various CBT sites to look into as well.

---------- Post added at 14:05 ---------- Previous post was at 14:01 ----------

How dare you ..You rude vile little man .:mad:

Been called worse in my life. Doesn't offend me in the slightest. The clueless sues. Even rhymes.

Its not you I feel sorry for, its your husband.

Have a good day.

13-07-12, 14:16
Dan that is out of order and getting personal now so please can you stop it.

13-07-12, 14:22
If you can't take it, don't dish it out.


13-07-12, 14:30
dan1234 dnt b sorry mate im a big boy now i can take it lol. what im scared of is that i have had diazepam b4 n im not sure if i have a allergic reaction to them or i took to much at once.

13-07-12, 14:34
dan1234 dnt b sorry mate im a big boy now i can take it lol. what im scared of is that i have had diazepam b4 n im not sure if i have a allergic reaction to them or i took to much at once.

Okay - comment wasn't aimed at you anyway,

a) What dose did you take.
b) What symptoms did you experience.

Would you feel more comfortable with taking say lorazepam or clonazepam? Same group of drugs, but chemically different.

I was just thinking that maybe pregabalin may be helpful - used for anxiety. Even gabapentin may be an option. Not sure what is available where you are.

13-07-12, 14:39
thats the thing i dnt no i took 1 n a half. 4 the first 3hours i cant rember anythink. people say when u take diazepam u r in control well i m far from that but after about 3 hours n the next day nothin in this world could worry me

13-07-12, 15:16
If you can't take it, don't dish it out.


Dan with all due respect, Nicola didn't dish anything out, Infact she owns this site and was meerly asking that we abide by the rules and not insult other members.


13-07-12, 15:42
Dan with all due respect, Nicola didn't dish anything out, Infact she owns this site and was meerly asking that we abide by the rules and not insult other members.


the comment wasn't aimed at Nicola.

13-07-12, 15:54
Josh, honestly mate, 2mg of Diazepam is not going to turn you into a junkie of some description. I've been taking Prozac for 6 weeks and it's turned my life around, but I was also given Diazepam by my GP (who normally won't give you ANY Diazepam), to help with the insomnia side-effects of Prozac.
I weathered the Prozac storm and kept the Diaz in reserve (when you've had Anx as bad as I have, you're always thinking one step ahead), anyway, knowing I had a 30-minutes dental appointment booked for today, last night I took 3mg of Diaz which helped me sleep, about an hour before my Dental app today I took a further 3mg of Diaz. 40 minutes I was in the dentist's chair today without so much as a sweat - and that, in part, is because I took Diaz. I also did several shopping jobs after I came out from the Dentist, and that included a public transport journey of several miles.:)

Unless you've had a severe reaction to Diaz previously, you should take your tablet or go back to your GP to discuss your worries.
I will add my address to the list if you want to offload your Diaz. :)

Good luck with everything.

13-07-12, 15:54
Originally Posted by dan1234
Just take the dam tablet! Your PM's and annoying messages are getting beyond ridiculous. If you were really suffering you would take the stupid pills. You have had plenty of reassurance.

If Josh is annoying you .Stop reading his posts and block him from messaging you .Theres no need to be so rude and nasty .Dan ..Sue

Dan ;
jog on, now we know why complaints are not taking seriously, with the likes of you answering them.

suzy-sue ;How dare you ..You rude vile little man .
This is why Dan was so rude to me Lisa ..:lac:

13-07-12, 15:55
I'm glad to hear that Dan.

It was rather difficult to see which comment was aimed at whom but personal insults should be avoided as this is a site for anxiety sufferers and not a place for conflict.

Hope things have been resolved now anyway.


13-07-12, 16:06
Josh, honestly mate, 2mg of Diazepam is not going to turn you into a junkie of some description. I've been taking Prozac for 6 weeks and it's turned my life around, but I was also given Diazepam by my GP (who normally won't give you ANY Diazepam), to help with the insomnia side-effects of Prozac.
I weathered the Prozac storm and kept the Diaz in reserve (when you've had Anx as bad as I have, you're always thinking one step ahead), anyway, knowing I had a 30-minutes dental appointment booked for today, last night I took 3mg of Diaz which helped me sleep, about an hour before my Dental app today I took a further 3mg of Diaz. 40 minutes I was in the dentist's chair today without so much as a sweat - and that, in part, is because I took Diaz. I also did several shopping jobs after I came out from the Dentist, and that included a public transport journey of several miles.:)

Unless you've had a severe reaction to Diaz previously, you should take your tablet or go back to your GP to discuss your worries.
I will add my address to the list if you want to offload your Diaz. :)

Good luck with everything.

thats just the thing i dnt no if i did have a bad reaction to it or just to much. how do u no?

13-07-12, 16:11
Bit of a conundrum, I grant you.
Why not inform someone that you're going to take a 2mg of Diaz, and ask them to keep an eye on you?
And I repeat, 2mg will NOT have much of an adverse effect.
Your decision.

eight days a week
13-07-12, 16:24
Josh please take the tablet - there is no way in the world (in my humble opinion) that 2mg diazepam is any danger whatsoever, how could it be? It's a very small dose of a very safe medicine. If you don't like to swallow tablets let it dissolve slowly under your tongue. Try small bits at first. Maybe 1/4 and wait half an hour (then you will notice that you don't feel anything, probably) and take another 1/4. I think it will take you 1/2 a tablet to feel anything, and then it will just relax you slightly. If you are as anxious as you say then, once you feel a slight benefit, I am sure you will be glad to take 2mg total, and enjoy being more relaxed for once for a few hours :)

Ive taken valium 2mg as required for over 20 years. I have always been anti tablets. and would suffer a blinding headache for hours rather than take a paracetamol. Then when I take one, the headache goes and I think why didnt I take the tablets at the beginging!!!!!!!

When I was prescribed the 2mg Valium I used to quarter it!!!! I was soooo scared to take it. A psychiatrist once laughed and told me I would be as well drinking a glass of plain tap water for all the effect one tablet 2mg of valium has on the body!!!!

So over 20 odd years I have very tentatively taken from a quarter to 6mg depending on my panic level. I gradually became agaraphobic. so the 6 mg was when I had to travel 20 miles from my home recently.

Valium DOES calm you down
It doesnt have any side effects
(except making you a bit sleepy -if you take 6mg. I dont find 2mg makes me sleepy and I think I am sensitive to all medications!!!)
It is designed to be taken regularly for a few weeks and a few weeks only
because the addictive qualities of the drug kick in after about 3 weeks usage and you need a stronger dose to get the same effect and so you have to be weened off them gradually. If you stopped them suddenly after taking a "course" of them you would just have a few days of major panic. thats all.

Having said that, for 20 odd years I have taken them 2mg only when I am going out. or something stressful has happened and as I say I try deep breathing, distractions etc first. So I only take a tab once or twice every couple of weeks.
The effects of valium works within 20 mins and last for 2-3 hours
but the drug stays in your body for 72hours (without any effect)
So I try not to take another so my body is completely clear of it.

The are a great drug for emergencies, and it is such a great shame that they are so highly addictive cos they would be the answer to many problems!!

Some very interesting points here, but as someone who takes diazepam daily (4-8mg) in the long-term, for me, it definitely does have side effects (not huge ones compared to other things like SSRIs), mostly with memory and perception. This is after 3+ years of daily use. But still, the benefits it gives me are much much greater than the slight side effects.

I don't really find them addictive (I think that is a myth, personally, based on people who take much higher levels i.e. abuse them - whether intentionally or not). Luckily, while I like the relaxing effects, I do not like the side effects, so I am always determined to keep their use to a minimum - and for me they work very well like that :)

13-07-12, 16:26
Bit of a conundrum, I grant you.
Why not inform someone that you're going to take a 2mg of Diaz, and ask them to keep an eye on you?
And I repeat, 2mg will NOT have much of an adverse effect.
Your decision.

Hi Bosher

If he had any 5 mgs available i would go on his list for off loading. :yesyes:

But like you said in an earlier posting you learn to think ahead and i have kept some of mine back now i am on Citalopram.

But 2mg would not be enough for if i got really bad again.

But have another word wtih your GP Josh . Richard.

13-07-12, 16:53
i thank all of u's so much for helping. i guess i just got to get my head over it or live in this jail i call a life.

eight days a week
13-07-12, 16:56
i thank all of u's so much for helping. i guess i just got to get my head over it or live in this jail i call a life.

You need to stop over-thinking it and just take 1/4 tablet (NO danger whatsoever I am sure) and then take it from there. My feeling is once you get over your initial worry and have the reassurance of taking a small bit you will take a bit more and find relief :yesyes:

Good luck :)

13-07-12, 17:04
does diazepam help with all anxity or just some? if u no what i mean

eight days a week
13-07-12, 17:18
does diazepam help with all anxity or just some? if u no what i mean

Anxiety in general. It will relax you, definitely.

13-07-12, 17:32
will it get me me of this house?

13-07-12, 17:36
yes if you feel more relaxed it will.

Just log off this site - tell yourself you have suffered enough - and take the pill.

eight days a week
13-07-12, 17:37
will it get me me of this house?

It will help you to be comfortable to take that first step outside after a day or two I am sure, yes.

17-07-12, 14:07
need help again. y the hell m i so scared to take this? its doin my head in.

17-07-12, 15:38

2mg is a very small dose. I get them in packs of 14 from my GP and use them on bad days. They help me a lot, with no bad side effects at all.

One tablet of 2mg will not cause any bad things for you. It is far too little to cause addiction, for example - you have to take much higher doses day after day for that to happen.

Here is what happens when you take 2mg (and I should know - I use them about once a week):
For the first 15 minutes: nothing at all.
For the next half hour: your worries subside and fade to the back of your mind. You feel more relaxed, though not sleepy.
For the next 24 hours: you are less anxious and more able to cope with everyday living.

And that's it. After around 24 hours the drug is eliminated from your body and its (quite small) effect subsides. There are no after-effects.

All the best - Jono.

17-07-12, 16:28
Jono is right Josh . I found 2mg did nothing for me thou .Try half a tab and see how it goes ,cut with sharp knife or stanley blade for accuracy ..It will be fine .just do it ...Sue x

17-07-12, 16:30

2mg is a very small dose. I get them in packs of 14 from my GP and use them on bad days. They help me a lot, with no bad side effects at all.

One tablet of 2mg will not cause any bad things for you. It is far too little to cause addiction, for example - you have to take much higher doses day after day for that to happen.

Here is what happens when you take 2mg (and I should know - I use them about once a week):
For the first 15 minutes: nothing at all.
For the next half hour: your worries subside and fade to the back of your mind. You feel more relaxed, though not sleepy.
For the next 24 hours: you are less anxious and more able to cope with everyday living.

And that's it. After around 24 hours the drug is eliminated from your body and its (quite small) effect subsides. There are no after-effects.

All the best - Jono.

Well explained Jono - this is exactly what its like for me too. I've taken about 20 2mg tablets in the past 4 months and they don't effect me dramatically but just take the edge off the panic and anxiety.
Josh -like most people who have posted on this thread, I don't like taking meds, I am sensitive and get alot of side effects from antidepressants but Diazepam is safe, mild and the effects wear off - you will stay in control and be aware of what you're doing/saying but just more relaxed. If the panic is bad now - take between 2-5mg, settle down in front of the TV or with your lap top and in an hours time you'll feel so much better x

17-07-12, 17:29
thanks so much.... i guess the main worry is that i have had diazepam b4 n im not sure if i have a allergic reaction to them or i took to much at once.

30-07-12, 20:42
Hi Josh, how are things? I find diazapam a live saver at times of bad anxiety. I take 5mg. 2mg is very low.