View Full Version : Weird about/going out seeing my friends lately

29-05-12, 16:22
I'm getting really anxious about going out & seeing my friends at the moment.
When friends ask me out of a weekend or even weekday I don't klnow why but I tend to make up excuses not to see them.
They have started picking up on it though & keep asking me why. Even though we went out last weekend, they want me to go out with them again this weekend - drinking & staying out late, last time we didn't get in until 4am and I can't really do it anymore.
I get anxious about what i'm going to wear, does anyone else get this? Because my friends are always wearing nice things & no one wants to wear the same outfit twice in a row or whatever...

29-05-12, 17:16
the only thing i get anxious about is if i stay out too late and end up feelin horribly anxious the next day other than that i dont mind it i also wear the same outfits but get different accessories or a new pair of shoes :) just tell your friends you will go but you cant stay out late as you have plans the next day

29-05-12, 19:51
It's up to you, do you want to go out? Do what you want to do, don't feel pressured.

29-05-12, 22:58

I tend to find that when I'm going through a bad spell I'm exactly the same.

I think that because you don't feel yourself, you possibly feel as if you're not able to enjoy your time with your friends because you're unable to feel the way that you once did because of the depression and the issues you're going through.

Why don't you ease it in gently? So instead of going on a bender, go to the cinema or to the park or do something fun with your friends that you feel comfortable with and explain to them that this is something you'd like to do just to get back into the swing of things.

I know how difficult things can be when you're facing these issues. I wish you the best of luck.

All the best,