View Full Version : Hello

29-05-12, 17:59
Hi All!

I'm Katie. I'm 26 from West Yorkshire joined here as my college support tutor suggested that joining a "community" where others with similar experiences may be of help to me.

I started having panic attacks, when I was about 14/15. Was badly bullied in school from the age of 9 and college counsellors have said this is what probably started it all off.

I have been out of education since I left school 10 years ago, having not done very well but returned to college last sept 2011 and I have been more determined this past year, to succeed. I have had panic attacks but the support at college has been fantastic.

In September I am making a huge step I feel of moving to London, for Uni. I am looking forward to it but I worried as time gets closer the pressure may start to mount up and worried that I'll ruin everything if I start to panic, especially with not having any support network down there.

Sorry if I'm waffling just thought I'd mention a bit about myself and why I am here. And to hopefully make some new friends and being a bit of a recluse I don't have many friends at all :(.


29-05-12, 18:11
Hi YorkshireKatie

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

29-05-12, 18:29
hey i can totally relate. I am meant to be starting uni in september also...and i had to defer my place for last year cause i was panicking the day i had to start...i couldn't go at all! I am trying to get better this year before i possibly take up my place if i don't get a job. Hope your ok. xxx

29-05-12, 18:32
Welcome to NMP, Katie, that's fantastic news about you starting university in september, it's awesome that you haven't allowed your panic attacks to stand in your way. Good on you! Everyone's pretty friendly and helpful here, it's a very positive and supportive forum.

06-08-12, 21:23
Hi Everyone,

Just wanted to apologise for the late reply to your comments, I'd been busy finishing up at college, and also trying to sort things out for Uni. Plus if I'm honest I have also been trying to get my head in the right place ready for moving away.

Thank you, though for your welcome messages :)

Katie x

Vanilla Sky
06-08-12, 21:37
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome: