View Full Version : Weight gain

eternally optimistic
29-05-12, 19:54

I have gained weight and am wondering if it can be anything to do with the medication - know it can be a side effect.

Has anyone managed to lose weight whilst on Citalopram?

jenny kilden
29-05-12, 21:29
i have lost a stone since being on cit - 7 weeks - I'm now down to 8st 5lb!! i want to put weight back on - so i went telco tonight and bought bagels, granola, nuts, dried fruit, muffins, ice cream!! lol - just need to get my appetite back.

29-05-12, 21:43
I have been on Cit for the last 25 days and haven't gained any weight. Does anyone know why some people gain weight from taking cit? It made me extremely tired, so I assume that maybe some people stop being as active after taking it? I forced myself to go out and do exactly the same amount of physical activity that I always did before taking cit. I can't afford to gain weight because I work in construction and need to be mobile.

19-06-12, 12:02
I'd be interested to read more responses to this. I've found I have gained weight without changing my eating or exercise habits... all of a sudden my abs have turned into a squidgy belly! I wondered myself if it was to do with the Citalopram... looking forward to seeing what others have to say on this.

19-06-12, 13:26
The first few weeks on Citalopram Made me ultra anxious and I hardly ate at all because my stomach was in knots. Lost almost a stone. When the drug started to work I got my old good appetite back very quickly which can be a problem if I don't watch it.

Lo and behold I have gained all the weight I worked very hard to loose before my latest anxiety issues struck an it bothers me. I don't think it is the Citalopram per say that has caused the weight gain just the fact it has stopped the anxiety and allowed my normal appetite to return. I'm struggling with depression after being anxious for so long and that depression is a direct cause of me gaining weight as I tend to comfort eat junk food.


21-06-12, 20:15
I stopped taking Citalopram nearly 6 months ago after being on 10mg for 8 months. Before taking citalopram i was 7 stone after being on citalopram i was 9 stone. Now i have been off it 6 months i am finding it really difficult to lose weight and have only losed between 2-4ibs. I really want to lose more weight.