View Full Version : switching the meds

11-07-06, 13:00
I have been on cipralex now for 3 weeks and i feel i am getting worse instead of better, i cant even go now i am off sick at work and feel so depressed. I was on cipramol for 5 year previously and came off sucesfully for 2 months then got bad again my locum doc put me on these, but now my regular doc said i should go back on cipromol. Does anyone have any advise about switching. Should i do it. Just thinking about it sends me loopy. God im such a mess.

Thanks in anticipation

s shaw

11-07-06, 13:16
Hi Suzanne,

I cant understand why the Doc wanted you to take different meds if the Cipromil worked for you before.
I have been on Cipromil on and off for the past 8 years, i do well while i am on them but after 6 months without meds i seem to go downhill again. I have never been one for taking meds but now i think if the meds give me a better quality of life then what the hell.



11-07-06, 14:16
Hi suzanne

I too am on Cipralex and have been so for 2 years after my Doctor convinced me that they would help keep my mood up when i am having anxiety issues. They at firtst did not seem to do anything for me but the doctor told me to persevere as they have had good results in the past, she also said they would take between 8-12 weeks to have any full effect and that to change before then would be of no point. So the doctor put me on 20mg once a day and once i get thyem into my system my body seemed to do much better. I am still on this high dose and although its hard to tell which improvements are from the medicine and which are through my own hard work i now feel the best i have done in a long time. I think that if you have a sympathetic/understanding doctor who you can talk to like i do then they will be able to advise you the best but remember there is no one treatment suits all practise it is a lot of trial and error.


11-07-06, 19:15
hi i have not taken any of the above, but ive been in a similar situation, i was currently on citalopram for about 3 months wich i thought was fine but i started to feel bad and depressed and anxiety came back, my regular gp referd me to c a doctor who works for a mental health team run by the nhs so they have a bit more knowledge of mental illnesses, the first time i saw him he stopped the citalopram straight away and started me on mirtazapine, after a month of getting used to the tablets i felt better then i ever have! and my anxiety had calmed down, unfortunatly i had a bad time with my ex gf and we split up, i was fine for a few weeks and then my anxiety came back, i went to c the doctor and he started me on a drug called flupentixol wich he told me its for anxiety, since starting them i have felt great i hardly get anxious anmore and the mirtazapine works for my depression, it might b an idear to c if uve got any doctors who specialise in mental illness coz it was the best thing my regular doctor done for me.

take care


12-07-06, 09:19
Thanks for all your replies. I get the feeling that each med works differently on different people, and each doctors has his own favorites thats why the locum doc switched to ciprelex it was obviously his fav but not my own doctors.Does anyone know if i will expereince any more side effects if i switch?

many thanks suzanne x

s shaw

12-07-06, 11:55
switching meds is not a good idea imo,and why do these drugs take 8 to 12 weeks to work? coz thats probably how long it takes to change your brain and nervous system,its your bodies way of telling you you don,t want the meds like rejection,i felt dire for weeks when i was given seroxat but i was told to persevere with it,i did and boy i was numb to everything didnt care about anything ,then when i got off boy worse hell,worse than anything i had ever been put on meds for,good luck hope things settle for ya real soon