View Full Version : Has anyone ever had a heart stress test at the cardiologist?

30-05-12, 00:01

Just wanted to know if anyone here has had a heart stress test at the cardiologist and what did the results show?

30-05-12, 00:23
I have had a test but I have had a previous M.I. (heart attack) so my results would not be relevant to you of course.

Are you worried about it? Why have you been referred for one?

30-05-12, 01:14
Hi Nicola,

I had a stress test two days ago. It showed a 'strain' pattern the Cardiologist said and he said it was due to untreated sleep apnea for a few years (the apnea is now treated not too well but trying to get my CPAP right) unless I quote 'it is due to another problem'. He said I will need 18 months of CPAP for the damage to be reversed. He was so busy that he didn't really explain it to me and I have to wait a month for an echocardiogram because he is going on holidays. He said I can expect periods of racing heart for no reason at times and just to relax and let it pass. I am truly scared and frightened and now I have heart health anxiety although the panic attacks has subsided because I get palps and other weird symptoms like dizzyness in the mornings - it mixes in with the anxiety so I don't know what is real and what is not. Can you advise Nicola? Should I get a second opinion?

30-05-12, 07:32
coincidentally, I am going for ECG next Wednesday - will report back with news.

what I am fearing is NOT that they find something wrong, I fear that they won't. Also, because of twisted and negative thought patterns, I think that if they do find something I just won't care, because I've always expected that I will die early and in many ways I am just waiting for it and need to get it over with.

very sorry for that extremely depressing statement!! I actually feel calm about it all.

30-05-12, 13:36
I don't think you need a 2nd opinion, just go for the echo scan and take things from there.

It sounds to me like they are doing all the right things

31-05-12, 22:21
Totally Clear, I asked for all the tests as I had anxiety.