View Full Version : Still anxious about my mum...someone with knowledge about menopause etc please read

30-05-12, 09:58
Well I posted a little whole ago now, my mum had been experiencing some light-medium bleeding and she had finished her periods 11 and half months previously - leaving her on the border line of post menopausal.
I've read on the internet that ANY post menopausal bleeding is abnormal & should be investigated.
She went to the GP & he referred her for an emergency appointment at the hospital which turned out to be 2 weeks later but an investigation.
She went there on monday, they did an ultrasound, found nothing there except a cyst on her ovary that had bled into itself apparently.

Then she went for the other tests which involved a scrape inside her womb/uterus area - the doctor performing it said her womb lining was quite thin & he took a few samples of biopsy "to be on the safe side". Which is worrying.
I'm not sure what to do now, my poor mum is patiently waiting for the results, but the wait is killing me, I've never been a good one for this kind of thing.
When do biopsy results normally come back in?
The doctors & nurses at the hospital didn't seem too worried about the whole thing but you just never know do you? Other than that she's in pretty good health, walks alot, always keeping busy & is currently going through the hot flushes and insomnia of the menopause but it doesnt seem to slow her down, if something bad was in there surely she would feel worse?
Also one more thing to add, when she had the light bleeding she said it felt like a period, because her breasts became quite tender and sore but now that the bleeding has gone (stopped after 3 days) she doesn't have that feeling anymore. If it was the dreaded C word she would have just bled surely?
Hoping someone can help :( I'm going out of my mind with worry, if its not myself, I'm worrying about someone else!

30-05-12, 10:43
Hi, I'm sorry to hear your Mum has to go through this battery of tests but the doctors do seem to be very thorough. The menopause isn't just a one-time event, it's a continuum of symptoms which can continue for a very long time. Some ladies can have intermittent bleeds on occasion even when monthly periods have stopped. The menopause involves massive changes to the production of female hormones and it affects a lot of body systems from the obvious (e.g. the reproductive cycle) to other areas (e.g. bone metabolism). As long as the doctors are keeping a very close eye on things, i would feel very reassured. Your Mum is very lucky to have a caring daughter like you. Please try not to worry, your Mum seems to have a great attitude to the whole experience, just try to be a source of support for her. Stay positive and hopefully all will be well.

30-05-12, 11:02
Thank you for those words MazF.
Due to my health anxiety I do seem to handle these things worse than other people.
I just really want to know whats happening now to be honest

30-05-12, 12:46
It's my pleasure, i'm glad i was able to help. I have been in a similar situation to you with both my parents at one time or another. I can relate 100% to what you are going through. Please be careful that you are not putting too much pressure or stress on yourself, i would worry like you wouldn't believe but ultimately all this is not in our control. Worrying will alter nothing about the outcome of the tests! It's taken me years of stress, counselling and a healthy dose of sertraline to realise that! Keep your chin up, everything works out in the end. Take care.

30-05-12, 12:55
I'm a little more positive in the fact that the doctors said they couldn't see anything wrong when looking on the ultrasound and at the womb lining itself - usually its thicker if cancer is present apparently.