View Full Version : affected by lights?

30-05-12, 12:51
Hi I just wondered if anyone else is affected by lights at all, i went down stairs earlier in an old building and the lights were different, i felt all funny and a bit dizzy like a heavy weight in my head, bit off, but lights have affected me before and put me into panic

any thoughts.

30-05-12, 16:36
yeah i have tthis problem in super markets too

30-05-12, 16:57
I have this problem all the time, we are just neurologicaly sensitive. I am affected by supermarket lights, lights over the top of magazines on shelves, the ligh outside when its between light and dark.
Flourescent lights are the worse and i can sense any little change in them flickering and think its my eyes going strange. Our toilet ligh has an energy saving bulb and that seems to pulsate to me yet nobody else notices it.
I am really sensitive to light if someone flashes a camera, i can see the ligh in my sight for a long time after. If i sit near a lamp then move i have a patch in my sight where the lamp had been. When i turn the light out at night i see black blobs from the light bulb. I could go on with my peculiaraties for a while :) I also have issues with a brightly lit white room like bathroom tiles as i can see squiggly lines and floaters.

Know exactly what you mean :)

31-05-12, 00:44
I think our senses are generally heightened when anxious.....I am sensitive to both light and noise and can definitely realte too all posts here. Kitti :)

31-05-12, 00:51
Flipping supermarket lights, department stores...they all have the same effect, which is to make me dizzy, sometimes within a minute, sometimes after a little while, but it always increases that awareness in me, of where I am and how artificial the lights feel...I was only thinking it would be great if they all had mainly real natural light or perhaps there is an electric light that gives that effect.

Hopefully being aware that it is just the lights making us feel dizzy helps us to try and accept them rather than feel more anxious. Easier said than done sometimes I know..

31-05-12, 17:16
Yes totally suffer with this as well, the lights make me so much worse, I also suffer with the floaters in my eyes which scares me at times. Heat is another thing that really affects me, if the room is too hot then I can go into a complete panic.
Really strange how we are affected by these things.

31-05-12, 18:08
Yep, heat too for me. I think its because the old nerve endings feel the clamminess that revives the anxiety feeling and makes us more conscious of it. I get very irritable in the heat probs because of the anxiety..like a vicious circle, then add in the supermarket lights, people, noises and it all ends in a sensory overload which I tend to avoid as much as possible.. :wacko:

Life is pretty tough sometimes...!

31-05-12, 18:35
Yep, same here too, supermarket lights are the worst as they make my eyes have and edge to them and makes me feel funny and off. Sometimes I can feel ok and get round the shops fine other times I really struggle with my eyes and anxiety xx