View Full Version : depressions taking over my life

30-05-12, 15:45
hello :)
At the moment i am really disappointed in my self as i have allowed my depressions to take ove my life again. i try and saty positive and motivated but it is so difficult.
i feel so hideous anmd useless i am also feeling very paranoid that everyones ou to get me. i want to do well in my new courses i have started but i struggle to get out of my flat on a daily basis.
my parents seem to have their priorities all f***** up. especially my dad as he knows how much i am struggle but i barely see him and very rarely get texts of him. he is also looking after the man who abused me for years.
i feel so alone and just want a bit of love comfort and overall understanding. the one person who is supporting me my boyfriend i constantly push away. as i convince myself hes cheating or is using me etc when all he is ever done is try his best to support me in every way possible.
i dont know how to break out of the cycle of depression and to try and be happy i just dont know what to do anymore i just feel like giving up on everything

30-05-12, 15:51
dont give up every day is a fighting battle i got depression too i hide away but then sometimes i push myself just to go out i suffer from bad anxiety it gets me down so i know how u feel u on any meds here is a big hug from me :hugs:

30-05-12, 17:55
Hi, I am suffering too, its a struggle to get through the day sometimes, take care sending you lots of love:)

30-05-12, 21:29
thank you. i just wish it wasnt this hard today i self harmed because i lost my keys i am now shaking with frustration i am that stress because i have lost a little work i just hate my life soooo much dont want to feel this way anymore

30-05-12, 23:25
so sorry to hear your going through a rough time of it, hope you feel better soon, thinking of you. :hugs:

31-05-12, 09:04

Really sorry to read you are having a tough time of things. No matter how bleak things may seem, try to think of the positives in your life and take each day as a step at a time. Time is the greatest healer. I would recommend seeing a counsellor or even your local GP. When I was seeing a psychiatrist, she told me I would tell her things I wouldn't tell anyone else and I think that rings so true. Hang in and stay strong and brave.

01-06-12, 04:00
I agree also with hypno. You are going through this hard time because you need a release of pain and suffering that you have built up inside you. I did not think my abuse could do to me what it did but I had so much buried that it took me down. You need to be able to take some time to see good things in yourself. Get help. Let all the pain go and move on .It is very possible.

03-06-12, 22:54
I am keeping busy with courses and volunteering. But when I'm not busy I immediantly become depressed and lonely as my parents aren't looking out for me or anything so I feel

---------- Post added at 22:54 ---------- Previous post was at 22:53 ----------

Alone unloved and unimportant