View Full Version : Just needing to offload!!

30-05-12, 16:04
After a great day yesterday today I'm feeling really tired and keep having worrying thoughts and feeling anxious. I find it hard to make the simplest of decisions, everything is what if if u get me.
I paid a deposit today to go out end of June for someone's retirement party now I'm thinking what if I panic and look silly, what if I struggle to talk etc.
Am I being silly, I always need reassurance and to be told I'm doing ok.
Yesterday I was ready to fight the anxiety and go to college but today it's all those what if thoughts.
Someone reassure me sorry :-) xxx

30-05-12, 16:19
forget if if hes a dope
go and have fun
and why will you panic -of all the times why will you panic then
your be ok stop worrying
god bless

30-05-12, 18:27
H hun remember your CBT, replace the "what ifs" with something more positive.

You are dwelling too much on things, switch your brain into neutral for a while.
